Southwest Division Coordinator, Kendra Rock

Kendra Rock, Southwest Regional Director

Fill the Southwest with Living Water!

One day while reading in 2 Kings 3, God highlighted the words in verse 16, “Make this valley full of ditches”. I wondered what ditches God was asking me to dig. Soon after, I was asked to serve as the Southwest Division Coordinator for Moms in Prayer. I knew God was asking me to dig ditches in Arizona, Arkansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.

The chapter continues, “the valley shall be filled with water…this is a simple matter in the sight of the Lord…Now it happened in the morning, that suddenly water came and the land was filled with water.”

I think it is a simple matter in the sight of the Lord to fill the ditches in the Southwest with His Living Water, but we must PRAY!  Will you join me to Pause 2 Pray every day at 2:00 p.m. asking God to raise up two praying moms for every school in the Southwest? Grab your shovel and dig with me. Together, through the power of prayer, we will see God raise up moms to cover every school in prayer in the Southwest!

Experience another mom praying for your child and the joy of seeing God at work in your child’s school.

You can reach me at:

My Moms in Prayer Story

I remember when my sons were babies in the church nursery. A guest soloist sang a song during the main service called, “Prayer Warrior.” As I listened to the lyrics, I knew God was calling me to be a prayer warrior for my children. Later, I was introduced to Moms in Prayer when my sons were in 1st and 2nd grade. I haven’t stopped praying ever since.

Now my sons are young adults and I pray in a career Moms in Prayer group for them. I also have the joy of praying for my grandkids in a Grandmas in Prayer group. I’ve seen God answer numerous prayers over the years! Moms in Prayer has been instrumental in teaching me how to praise God for who He is and to pray for my children and their schools scripturally. It has grown my prayer life and blessed me and my family tremendously.

I’m married to an amazing husband, Roger. We have two adult sons, a daughter-in-love, and two precious grandchildren. I enjoy playing the harp, taking walks with my husband and volunteering at a local food pantry. I love playing and praying with my grandchildren, Ruby and Fielder!

In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.  Psalm 5:3 (NIV)