Stacy Callender Podcast Production & Strategic Partnerships

Jesus taught “…that men always ought to pray and not lose heart,” Luke 18:1b (NKJV) With all my heart this is who I want to be— a woman who prays always and never gives up. The times in which we are living and raising a family are complicated. Our children daily face dangers, darkness, and temptations, but Jesus is the answer. When we carry our children to Jesus in prayer, wonderful things happen!

It doesn’t matter if we see these things or not. God’s word promises us, “the earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.” James 5:16b (NLT) Spending time in earnest prayer for our children makes an eternal difference in their lives; without a doubt, it is the best possible use of our time.

My Moms in Prayer Story Callender Family Southern CaliforniaI began to pray in a Moms in Prayer group over 20 years ago as my oldest daughter went off to kindergarten. I was raised in a wonderful Christian home, grown to know the power of prayer, yet nervous to pray out loud in a group setting. However, being in a Moms in Prayer group changed all of that.

My concern for my children far outweighed my fears, and I committed to attend my first Moms in Prayer meeting. As I entered the meeting, I worried if my prayers would sound ok. Was I eloquent enough? I told myself I was just there to observe, but as I heard the women pray in four steps (praise, silent confession, thanksgiving, and intercession), I found myself joining in. The women prayed in sweet, simple phrases and I sighed a big sigh of relief. I could do this.

The prayers were from the heart, and that is what mattered. The women loved and welcomed me in, and somewhere along the way, I was transformed! Instead of being nervous about praying out loud, I began to look forward to it. Prayer became my first resort, my comfort, and my joy.