“…Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Colossians 1:27
You may have spotted those signs in neighborhoods that declare, “Drive like your kids live here.” We have a slew of them in our neighborhood because we have lots of kiddos dashing around. You drive differently when you see that sign. You put the brakes on, you’re more mindful of your surroundings, and you drive more delicately, watching out for little ones who may scamper after a ball into the street.
Well, I think I need something similar on my bathroom mirror some days….
Not as a reminder to follow all the rules or to live holier than thou, but as a note each morning that I don’t have to do the day on my own or tussle my battles on my own. Just like a driver is changed when they see that physical sign, perhaps we might be changed and live differently if we bear in mind, Christ lives in me. Live like Christ lives in you. As we celebrate Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection this week, may we remember that because of Him…
Each day, Christ lives in you.
Each day, you have the power of God functioning in and through you.
Each day, you have the Helper, Counselor, Spirit of God, and Provider at your right hand helping, counseling, navigating, and providing for you.
Each day, you have God with you, in you, around you, in front of you, behind you, and all around you.
How might that viewpoint change your day? What would it look like to live each day like Christ lives in you?
It’s not a call to live better, try harder, or be a better person. It’s a call to live loved. It’s a call to remember Who we belong to, to know how cherished we are, and to live like a little girl again – dancing through life with her heavenly Father. It’s a call to welcome His invitation to dance with Him through life, relying on Him for the day by day, grace by grace, steps. It’s a call to believe in the Father’s love despite our mess ups, hang-ups, or struggles.
It’s a call to let our joy swell up because we’ve been given all we need for both eternal life and earthly life. It’s a call to stay amazed at the wonder of it all.
So next time you see one of those little signs, drive like your kids live here, do drive accordingly. 🙂 But also, remember, live like Christ lives in you. Stick a note on your bathroom mirror or carry a notecard in your purse to remind you that Christ is in you….THE hope of glory. He occupies your heart, sweet one. You carry in a sense, this exquisite garden of life in you, blossoming with seeds of truth, promise, and constant hope. Remember that today as you dance your dance. Live like Christ lives in you.
“Jesus, refresh my memory today that You are the Resurrection and the Life and that You live in me. Enable that truth to settle deep into my heart, Lord. Remind me of the sacrifice You made so that I could be with You forever, and of Your love, grace and presence today. May I honor You in my life and allow You to transform the way I live by stirring up the truth of who I am in You and who You are in me.”
See the new Moms in Prayer mobile prayer sheet, Jesus is the Resurrection
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Sarah Beth Marr is a quiet-hearted soul on a mission to help women find the peace God offers right in
the midst of busyness. A former professional ballerina, wife, and mama to three growing sons, Sarah pens words of grace, truth, and hope to point women to the only One she knows who completely satisfies hearts. Sarah’s tender, gentle words will tug your heart towards God, tip your soul towards a more life-giving, grace-laced pace, and turn your focus back to the One who is tenderly guiding your steps. Sarah is the author of Dreaming with God – A Bold Call to Step Out and Follow God’s Lead and Whispers and Wildflowers – 30 Days to Slow Your Pace, Savor Scripture, and Draw Closer to God. Find these resources and more at Sarah Beth Marr