Walking to the mailbox.
Hanging clothes outside.
When my kids were young, these were destinations that provided mini-escapes from the many demands on me in the house.
I loved my kids but… whoa. I was exhausted and often on the edge of despair. During one of those seasons (days long? months long? A year? I don’t know… it runs together), each time I went to the mailbox, I repeated Psalm 127:3 to myself “Children are a gift of the LORD.”
A personal pep talk. I was certainly not feeling blessed. Parenting and home management were overwhelming. The kids can vividly describe for you when I would snap: loud, unexpected barking would startle me and I would scream at our pet. On occasion I would also mutter, “I wanna kick that dog.”
I was certainly not feeling blessed. Parenting and home management were overwhelming.
So where was the victory? Where was the affirmation that we were in God’s will for our family? My husband and I sought the Lord and knew He was with us, but…? Fast forward a few decades and I am still grappling with what “victory” looks like. Here I am, a long-time Moms in Prayer (MIP) leader and also a Negative Ninny and an Eeyore. I saw this year’s theme for events, Victorious in Prayer, and thought – oh great. Tired, overwhelmed moms in need of rest get to hear about how they should be victorious.
But after more than ten years with MIP, I know that is not true! It is very clear that this ministry is full of grace, very aware of real life, and ready to support and care for moms in all stages and circumstances. So where did that very untrue thought come from? Easily from my flesh. Ugh. I can be so contrary! But God in His gentle, faithful way keeps opening my eyes to the truth.
It is very clear that this ministry is full of grace, very aware of real life, and ready to support and care for moms in all stages and circumstances.
The victory I want is to have it all together. Victory to me is when the walls fall (my kids do what I ask), the enemy retreats after one stone (debt paid off fast with one income), and the waters pressing around me simply part so I can skip through my day. But way better than changing circumstances, real victory is God changing me by helping me accept myself as I am and working in my heart to trust Him no matter what comes my way. Even though I am so distracted and don’t like myself at times, God keeps loving me and faithfully working in my life.
The victory I want is to have it all together.
It’s been over four decades of knowing Jesus and it can be discouraging when my thoughts still reflect my flesh. But, “Victory in Jesus! My Savior forever! He sought me and bought me with His redeeming blood.” Does that truth mean I am in the mood to stand up and cheerfully sing the hymn? Maybe. Maybe not.
But no matter my mood or feelings, I truly DO have the victory. It is not based on my actions or attitudes. It is based on God’s love, His care, and His provision. His Word keeps us grounded in truth:
“God has united you with Christ Jesus. For our benefit God made him to be wisdom itself. Christ made us right with God; he made us pure and holy, and he freed us from sin.” 1 Corinthians 1:30
He has been with me through it all. His presence has been a constant all these years and nothing I have done or will do changes the fact that He made me right with Him and loves me. God has kept me on the path and in the journey. He continues to faithfully open my eyes to the truth about Him, about me, and about our relationship. “And we have received God’s Spirit (not the world’s spirit), so we can know the wonderful things God has freely given us“ (1 Corinthians 2:12).
Oh, praise Him. I am victorious.
Pray With Me
Oh God! We praise you for your faithfulness through all our seasons of life! Thank you for true victory in Jesus. Open our eyes to what it looks like for each of us in our unique circumstances. Help us embrace the real victory you desire for us. Give us victory over negativity and judgmental thoughts. Lord, please bless the moms reading this. Give them hope. Bless them with genuine and authentic relationships where they can safely download burdens, safely share thoughts, safely open up about discouragement. We thank you for the words of the psalmists that express despair, dismay, and frustration to you. Thank you that we can come to your throne of grace with confidence no matter how we feel! You are God and can handle our rants and rambles! Your Spirit gently points us to truth and empowers us to walk in it.
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Beverly Dingley loves the Lord, her family, and learning. The Lord captured her heart during college and she appreciates all the people He brought into her life to help her on her journey, especially Neil, her husband of 38 years. Beverly taught high school in her early twenties. She set aside her career in education when their first child was born, but soon returned to education as a homeschool mom. She is entering her 15th year teaching at a homeschool support center, is currently a substitute teacher in local public schools, and mentors at a second chance night school. Her very deep appreciation for educators and local schools makes Moms in Prayer a perfect fit. She has served as a group leader, an area coordinator, and on the Georgia state prayer team. She and Neil have four adult children and two in-laws that Beverly considers the best six kids ever! They have also been blessed with a six year old granddaughter. Beverly’s heart, as she has entered her sixth decade on this planet, is to keep growing in the Lord and help others know Him better. God has used the book What a Beautiful Mess: Finding Freedom from Pride and Praise, by fellow MIP mom Melissa Jackson, to help Beverly accept her God-given wiring and move forward as He leads her on this path of life. God also helps Beverly slow down and have some fun through hobbies like gardening, hiking, and acting.
Comments 13
Beverly, thank you for your obedience and writing this. God definitely spoke to me through your words!
Thank you for your transparency. I can relate with expecting more from myself after decades of walking with Christ! I now understand things will never be exactly as I would like them to be. He refines me and molds me in the valleys! I am learning to show myself grace and mercy just as Jesus shows me every day! For now I see only a reflection as in a mirror; one day I will see face to face. Now I know in part; then I will know fully, even as I am fully known by Jesus. 1Cor 13:12
Hi, Larisa, Thank you for the comment. Amen! I want to continue growing in grace — showing it to myself and extending it to others. Thank you for the scripture – so encouraging! What a source of hope. Have a blessed 2025! Beverly
Thank you for sharing your “victory in Jesus.” Consistently grounded in his word and truth, what God loves is family and what you do in life.. keep giving HIM Glory. Amen!
Hi, Brenda – You are so welcome! Being able to embrace Jesus’ victory for us and simultaneously be authentic about our struggles is something I love about MIP. As we go to God we can be honest — He is so good and kind! –and we can be confident our cries & petitions are affectionately guarded by our prayer partner. It was a joy to pray with you when God provided that season of togetherness! — Beverly
This is just so beautiful and authentic. Thank you for writing and sharing with us your actual thoughts and experiences with the Lord. We often say that something is refreshing; well, this is refreshing, Beverly! Please continue to write and share the ways God is making Himself known to you in the ordinary days. I loved this and have been encouraged today! Love, Jeanine Smith
Hi, Jeanine, so glad this post blessed you. Amen to “in the ordinary days”. He loves for us to enjoy his presence at all times.
Read this immediately after watching the Gettys’ video of “Victory in Jesus”! Think the lord is trying to tell me something?
Renee – It is cool when God uses multiple resources to highlight a particular theme! May He help us all keep walking in His victory. 🙂 Beverly
Beverly I love the vulnerability ! I remember asking another young mom of 4 when we had toddlers if she ever wanted to quit this hard job and she said “no, I love being a mom”. Well of course I loved being a mom but that didn’t mean it wasn’t hard!!! I have learned the very hard way that Gods Victory truly may not look like what we expect but it is true nonetheless! Hallelujah!
Hello, Lamarr – So fun to see your name after long time, no see! Thank you for sharing your story. It reminds me of how often I compare myself and want to be like other people (oh, if only I had her attitude, if only I enjoyed typical inside Mom chores like that person, ETC!). It is a comfort to be reminded that we can rejoice with the gifting God gives others and also with the gifting He gives us.
Thank you for sharing such a genuine blog on ‘life’ and then reminding us of the victory we have with our Father, no matter our actions or attitude!! Praise God!
Hi, Linda, You are welcome. I am glad it blessed you. 🙂 Beverly