Missouri State Coordinator, Debbie Smith

Hello and Welcome to Moms in Prayer Missouri!

I am so glad the Lord led you to check us out. I was born and raised in rural Missouri. One of the simple blessings of Missouri life is our beautiful evenings. When I was a little girl, I could not wait for the evening to come. As the sun set, little flashes of light began to be seen across our backyard. The fireflies were starting their dance. A pop of light here and a pop of light there- it was breathtaking. The darker the night, the brighter the fireflies seemed to glow.

I think that praying moms are a lot like those fireflies. Our world can seem dark, but our prayers bring pops of light into the lives of our families and our schools. In Matthew, the Bible tells us that we are to let our light shine before others because when they see Christ working through us, God gets all the praise and glory. We can shine Christ’s light to influence others and a great way to do that is by praying. It is a wonderful experience to join with moms in one accord to pray for our kids and schools. We become a praying family and the other mom’s kids are loved like our own. As our hearts join in prayer, it encourages our faith walk, reassures our souls, and makes our hearts glad. 

Experience another mom praying for your child and the joy of seeing God at work in your child’s school.

You can reach me at: MO@MomsInPrayer.org

My Moms in Prayer Story

Cornfields backed up to our property and cows mooed at the end of the street. Living in rural Missouri was a comfortable life for me. However, in 2015, our family moved to St. Louis County. My youngest daughter started a new school and my community was completely different. Instead of cows lowing, I heard the low rumble of cars on the road. Everything was different and I missed the friendships that I had made over the last twenty years.

At the new Christian school, I saw that a Moms in Prayer group was meeting every Wednesday. Little did I know how much that group would change my life. I had always prayed for my children, but often wondered if I was praying what God wanted. I learned so much through the Four Steps of Prayer format that Moms in Prayer uses. I found that there was something powerful about praying scriptures because it is praying God’s words back to Him. This made my prayers bold and increased my faith. I also gleaned important prayer points by listening to what the other moms were praying for their kids. It is my desire that every God-fearing mom has the same experience.

I married my high school sweetheart, Dan, in 1985. Through the ups and downs of life, my God has been faithful. Over our 38 years of marriage, God has blessed us with six children, three daughters-in-law, and three grandchildren. Nothing makes my heart smile like those grands calling my name and running into my arms.