Hawaii State Coordinator, Leah Ragsac

Aloha Precious Moms!

Whether you are a Hawaii resident or have recently arrived here to the Islands, I welcome you to join moms who commit to praying one hour weekly in a Moms in Prayer group. I have prayed for my children through every season of their lives, from elementary school, middle school, college years and beyond! You will be greatly encouraged, as I have been, to pray with other women with the same mom’s heart and prayer focus, using our Four Steps of Prayer.

These are challenging times that we as moms find ourselves facing. However, with prayer, you and I can live expectantly trusting in the Lord’s promises in His Word. Make a difference in your child’s life and for their school, armed with scriptures and praying with another mom. Let me help you get connected to a group or instruct you how to lead one with another mom. My vision is to multiply this process over and over again to see all the schools in Hawaii covered in prayer.

Experience another mom praying for your child and the joy of seeing God at work in your child’s school.

You can reach me at: HI@MomsInPrayer.org

My Moms in Prayer Story

At the beginning of every year, I spend time with the Lord and ask Him what direction to take. One year He impressed on my heart to join Moms in Prayer (MIP). From 2000-2008, I owned and operated a Christian bookstore at our local mall here on Kauai. I was able to meet many people that loved and served the Lord. One of them was Sheila Ringor, MIP Pacific Division Coordinator, who invited me to pray with her. Then a few moms began to gather to pray at our store.

My husband Bryson and I have three beautiful children and I have been interceding for them and praying scripture over them ever since I gathered to pray with these women. I love being close to the Father’s heart and every week I’m blessed to spend time with women that love God and want to make a difference in this world by loving their children and community through the power of prayer!

Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; Trust In Him, and He will act. Psalm 37:4-5 ESV