Minnesota State Coordinator, Lisa Stinchfield

Greetings Minnesota Moms!

Moms in Prayer has a long and rich legacy in Minnesota and I am excited to step into the shoes of those who have gone before me to encourage and equip our praying moms. It is a life-changing prayer ministry, but it is also a discipleship ministry where we learn about God and grow in our faith, experiencing His blessings through prayer, community, and His Word. I know you will be blessed as you join with other moms to pray in one accord for your children and schools.

Experience another mom praying for your child and the joy of seeing God at work in your child’s school.

You can reach me at: MN@MomsInPrayer.org

My Moms in Prayer Story

My daughter was in kindergarten and we were facing a crisis at her school. I was a brand new Christian and was just learning that when faced with a crisis, you pray—and it helps to get others to pray with you. I found out about Moms in Prayer and started a group. I had no idea that when I started that group so many years ago, I would still be praying in a Moms in Prayer group for my children years later.

My daughters are grown, but I still pray for them each week and I also have the privilege of praying for a son-in-law and a grandchild! It has been amazing to see how God has answered our prayers over the years for them, their schools and teachers, and their friends and bosses. But just as amazing is seeing how God has changed me. I have learned who He is and grown closer to Him by praying His attributes and His Word.