Michigan State Coordinator, Mary Jane Geers

Arguments. We’ve all made them, heard them, and had to deal with them. Perhaps you’re considering joining a Moms in Prayer group, but you’re battling, like I did, with arguments that keep us from showing up. “I’m too busy.” “I’m afraid of what others will think about my prayers.” “What’s the point anyway?”

Do you know who is dishing out these arguments? The thief. The one who wants to steal, kill, and destroy our very relationship with the Lord which is experienced through prayer, including praying with others. (Matt. 18:19-20).

But what does God tell us to do about these arguments? Demolish them! (2 Cor. 10:5). Friends, our good Father wants to dialogue truthfully with us. The Holy Spirit has the perfect priorities, words, and revelations for us. And it seems God delights in distributing these and countless other loving blessings to us through our sisters in Christ during that most valuable Moms in Prayer hour. So why are we giving in to the arguments?

Let’s demolish them! How? By submitting to God, resisting the devil, and standing on the promise that he and every excuse will flee (James 4:7). As a result, we will grow in the knowledge and grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who equips us through faith and prayer to battle spiritually from the victory He has accomplished for our children and schools all across Michigan!

Experience another mom praying for your child and the joy of seeing God at work in your child’s school.

You can reach me at: MI@MomsInPrayer.org

My Moms in Prayer Story

Whom does God want you to invite to a Moms in Prayer (MIP) gathering? I thank God for a precious church friend, Denise, who personally invited me when my oldest child was early elementary age. This was a moment of decision, with far greater consequences than I could have imagined. Thanks be to the Holy Spirit who convicted and empowered me to demolish the arguments!

As a result, I have tasted and seen glorious fruit since joining MIP when my oldest was very young. Through this one little hour of weekly prayer, precious, compassionate moms and I have declared God’s Word and attributes into the hearts of our children and school communities. Despite the school challenges, friend drama, and spiritual attacks, my three daughters have grown to love and follow Jesus and make far better choices than I did at their ages! In addition, the Lord has equipped, encouraged, and empowered me to be the parent I couldn’t be without Him and His Word. God is so gracious to rescue, transform, and repurpose our lives for eternity!

I’ve been married to my loving and supportive husband since 1992. We had a long wait to become parents in 1999 but a short wait to become grandparents in 2023! In 2024, our youngest daughter will graduate from high school. In addition, we are so grateful to the good Lord for godly sons-in-law, present and future; after all, they have been prayed for as well.