Maryland State Coordinator, Vivian Farley

Warmest Greetings, my fellow Marylanders!

Our state is beloved for its abundant waterways and coastlines. Boating on the Chesapeake Bay has taught me an important truth. Winds, tides and storm fronts create anxiety and uncertainty. Isn’t that just like our mothering journey? The changing tides of child development stages, the stormy seas of adolescence, the winds of cultural wars, and more, threaten to overwhelm us and rob our peace.

We need to learn the secret of unlocking the promises of God through prayer. We need to set our anchors to prevent drifting and to create stability. Hebrews 6:19-20a says, “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf.”

I invite you to join women in your community to experience agreement prayers with Jesus, our model intercessor at the helm! An hour of power-packed, scripturally-based, one-accord prayer can literally change your life, the trajectory of your children’s lives, and the atmosphere in their schools. lf you are a restless worrier, tossed to and fro by the waves, you can find His rest. He desires to grow you into a hope-filled prayer warrior!

Experience another mom praying for your child and the joy of seeing God at work in your child’s school.

You can reach me at:

My Moms in Prayer Story

In the early 1990s, the principal of my son’s Christian elementary school handed me a Moms in Prayer Booklet and asked me to start a prayer group. She had a job for me, but God knew my need. I desired to pray for my kids with confidence, but I needed a pathway to get there. Structure, accountability, and a safe space offered me the opportunity to grow in praying the promises of God.

Over the years, answers to prayers for specific children escalated to answered prayers for the schools. One close knit group of determined moms persisted in prayer to birth a Young Life group for our public high school. As I continued leading groups for 20 years for Christian, private and public schools and served as area coordinator, God gave me the joy and high honor to mentor and train other potential leaders.