When Teachers Pray Together

Twenty-five years ago, on a small school campus in southern California, I joined two other teachers to begin praying once a week for 20 minutes before school began.

We prayed for the needs of the school: students with learning struggles, parents going through difficult situations, specific grade levels, and for our principal and district. Today, we continue to pray.

The teacher leading us now, begins with a short devotion and scripture verse for the week and provides a list of prayer requests for specific students and staff. We also focus on one grade level per week, the office staff, or other department. In our group, we pray one by one for the needs listed, as well as for our own requests for specific students or situations. Teachers do not have to pray out loud – God hears the heart.

Over the years, we have seen God move in amazing ways!
  • We have experienced times when a staff member (unbeliever) has asked for prayer and we have come together after school, in a room filled with other staff members, to pray with joined hands for this person.
  • We have seen students’ lives turn around after being prayed for.
  • We have seen parents come to meetings ready for a battle with the staff, and end up in tears thanking us for loving their children.
  • We see God’s hand in the safety He has provided, in bringing the Good News Club to our campus, and in openness to quiet requests for prayer while passing in the hallways.

Now that some of us teach online and many of us are from different schools, our group has expanded to members from a variety of sites! The work God is doing on these different campuses is amazing. Some who have been silent for years are now joining with colleagues in lifting the needs of this difficult time to God.