“Peace means so much more than an absence of conflict and distress. It means wholeness.” We are kicking off Advent a bit early here at Moms in Prayer to truly soak in who our amazing God is. Today we hear …
Victorious in Thanksgiving Part 2
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Colossians 4:2 In the second part of our Thanksgiving blog, we share more testimonies of what God has done behind the scenes of the Moms in Prayer 40th Anniversary postponement. God is the …
A Hope Filled Future for Our Children
“What we are seeing across the globe is the Moms in Prayer community, no matter what the circumstances are, they continue to be steadfast, immovable and abounding in the work of the Lord.” Praise God! Today Aubrie sits down with …
Victorious in Thanksgiving Part 1
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Colossians 4:2 With the postponement of the Moms in Prayer 40th Anniversary Event, many of us were heavy hearted. Months of prayer and planning had gone into this event including the desire to …
Barriers to Prayer & How to Overcome Them
“When we devote ourselves, when we love the Lord our God more than anyone or anything else, then idols will have to fall.” Today our Moms in Prayer Michigan State Coordinator, Mary Jane Geers, joins us to talk about overcoming …
Kids Can Refuse Fearful Thoughts & Practice the Truth
Teaching our kids, and ourselves, to take every thought captive to Christ “They aren’t going to make the kids do it tonight, right?” I anxiously asked my neighbor as I unfolded my chair. She let out a nervous laugh and …
God, The Lifter of Our Heads
“That’s the charge: Keep your eyes on Jesus.” What a sweet place to be—our eyes on Jesus, soaking in His presence. Today we welcome back our South Carolina State Coordinator, Vanessa Frazier. She reminds us of the blessing of a …
Victorious in Prayer for Children with Special Needs
As a young mom of three special-need children with a special needs husband living in a challenging situation, a friend invited me to come to Moms in Prayer. The mom who hosted that group had a large home where the …
God’s Great Love Casts Out Fear – Part 2
“My prayer is that the love of God will grow down so deep into the soil of your life, that it will be the first thing that comes to mind when you’re fearful—that God loves you.” We welcome back Moms …
With God’s Help I Can Be a Victorious Mom
Super Mom “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” takes on a different meaning when you enter motherhood. Simple things like washing dishes and sleeping through the night suddenly become virtually impossible to endure without constantly crying …