What is the purpose of a prayer group

6 Surprising Benefits of Praying in a Group


Our Moms in Prayer group gathered for a long hug. We hadn’t seen this friend in months. We missed her so much!

I left that meeting cherishing my relationship with the women in my prayer group and discovered surprising benefits of praying together. I’ve attended many Moms in Prayer (MIP) groups over the years, but this college and career group has stayed intact for over a decade. I prioritize this time and schedule all appointments on another day or at a different hour because I crave praying with these women and I’ve witnessed our prayers make a difference.

Yes, prayer for our kids and schools is still the number one reason we meet every week, but there are added benefits to praying with the same group of women. As I think of their familiar faces, my mind recalls our shared experiences and confidences.

1. The women I pray with are my closest friends

These women have become my best friends. We’ve celebrated life’s greatest joys, cried in our deepest sorrows, and sat with each other during our darkest days. We’ve hugged profusely, cried ugly, and laughed hysterically together. They’re my tribe, if you know what I mean. We all believe in the power of prayer, but are unique in personalities, abilities, and interests. Yet, God bonded us as sisters in Christ for this moment, to pray.

2. We don’t hesitate to reach out to each other when one of us needs help

Last year, God prompted me to make myself available to others during the Christmas season. My neighbor lost her mother, so I asked if I could take soup to her, but she declined. I felt hurt, but I asked God for another opportunity. Later that evening, a MIP friend asked me for a ride to a doctor’s appointment. While I was in the waiting room with her, I received a text from another MIP friend, asking if I’d take her to the car dealership after our prayer meeting. That same night, another friend asked if she could have a ride to her daughter-in-law’s house after our prayer time since they only had one car. It was such an honor to be there for my friends and I was excited they had asked me for help.

3. Together, we’ve memorized scripture without even trying

We can recite Acts 26:18 backward and forward because we’ve prayed it repeatedly over the years. “Lord, open the eyes of our of prodigals, bosses, and professors. Turn them ‘from darkness to light’ . . . so they might be ‘sanctified by faith’ in Jesus.” I can now speak this verse silently over people I see in the mall or at a restaurant because it’s imprinted in my memory. We praise God every week, recalling his multiple names and attributes. One year, I cried when we read Isaiah 40:11, remembering that God is our shepherd and he carries his sheep close to his heart. That verse still comforts me today.

4. Prayer for each other and our families is confidential & immediate

During our prayer time, we seek God’s will for our kids and their schools. We’re also alert to each other’s urgent needs throughout the month. Texts start flying when a member needs prayer. Sometimes we know what to pray for, but other times the mom requests urgent general prayer. It’s not usually one of our kids, but a spouse, parent, or ourselves who needs prayer. Premature babies, failing parents, and medical emergencies can spiral a mom’s emotions downward. A quick text or call, however, can send a spirit soaring when showered with prayers and verses. I know these women will keep the request confidential because we all follow the MIP policy, “Remember, what is prayed in the group, stays in the group.” I’m confident they will pray immediately because they’ve shown up and remained faithful over the years.

5. We have a special love for each other’s children & attend important events

These MIP friends have attended our kids’ weddings, bridal showers, and baby showers and even prayed over a bride before the ceremony. We may have met the son or daughter only once, yet we gush over them like we’ve known them our whole lives.

6. Our love for God & others grows each week

After our hour of prayer each week, a peace fills me and lingers with me throughout the day. I’m always grateful I attended the meeting, no matter how foul my initial mood, dismal the weather, or corrupt the culture. I leave the meeting as a kinder, more grateful, and more gracious follower of Jesus. A broader perspective of God and his strong character and glorious attributes enlarge my heart for him and others.

Yes, the mission of Moms in Prayer is to impact children and schools worldwide for Christ, but God always works in surprising ways beyond those prayers and his people.

Moms in Prayer

Sally Cressman, Mother's prayer groupSally Cressman writes to celebrate and connect faith, family, and home. Her publishing credits include LifeWay, Focus on the Family, Nashville Christian Family magazine, and Brentwood Baptist. Her debut picture book launches in May 2024. She’d love to connect with you at sallycressman.com or on Instagram.