How to Live a Resurrected Life in Christ

6 Ways to Celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection

In the Book of John, chapter 11, Jesus says to Martha, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.”

Martha was the woman who served her brother and sister and was known in her town to be reliable. When Jesus was at her home, she burst out in aggravation, telling Him it was unfair to be left to do all the work and that He needed to address it. “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed, only one.” Luke 10:41-42a NIV

Jesus continued saying, “Whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” Martha answered yes, but it seems to me, counting blessings may have been difficult for her—an act of obedience rather than an overflow of joy. In the end, I imagine Jesus was trying to tell her, “It will open up space in your heart Martha.”

Truth be told, I can be like Martha; preparing most of my days as a wife, mom, and friend to women all over the world; often stretched and without balanced control of the many obligations. Do you have some of these tendencies too?

Each Passion Week, we’re reminded that as God’s daughters, we are overcomers in Christ and that He offers forgiveness to anyone who will see that “few things are needed—or indeed, only one.” Let’s come to him with our full attention.

6 Ways to Celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection

1. By remembering His wonderful kindness every day

So we praise God for the glorious grace he has poured out on us who belong to his dear Son. He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins. Ephesians 1:6-7 NLT

2. By giving God thanks

When I choose to focus on what I have been given, rather than linger on what I’m missing, I feel relieved, more content, and less agitated. Gratitude overtakes me and I am joyful. Space in my heart opens up and I recall God’s unchanging plan that has always been to adopt us into His own family, by bringing us to Himself through the Resurrection of His only begotten Son Jesus Christ; and this gave Him great pleasure (from Ephesians 1:5)

Practicing a thankful heart and attitude will set down a blueprint with farseeing benefits in my life and in the lives of my children and all I serve in ministry.

3. By boldly rising above my problems

I try to alleviate my burdens and not get overwhelmed when things are out of control. Especially when difficulties challenge my peace, I cling to Jesus and call on friends that walk in the light and not in the dark.

If you’re lost and don’t know where to start, it doesn’t really matter where you are. One of the most underrated secrets to taking that first step towards the Resurrected Jesus is to start before you’re ready. Just turn!

4. By remembering that my life is purposeful

Knowing what is embedded in my heart, mind, soul, and spirit is believable because at the cross, His love ran red. Because He first loved me, my life is purposeful, my failures are not fatal, and my death is not final. Because my Savior lives, I live too.

Because He first loved me, my life is purposeful, my failures are not fatal, and my death is not final.

5. By meditating on the character of God, His attribute or name

Each week I pray with my Moms in Prayer group and experience an easy and effective way to go deeper into God’s promises. There I find a safe place to connect and pray with the women around me. I am wonderfully exposed to a different aspect of God’s character as we pray biblically, specifically, and in agreement.

6. By spending quiet time with Jesus, telling Him that I am in need of His forgiveness

This is a time to lay our burdens down and acknowledge our sinfulness in action, thought, or deed. In Moms in Prayer groups, this is the 2nd step of prayer. We meet with our Loving Father who tells us that “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9 NASB

Confession is a time when we empty ourselves so that we, in turn, can be filled once again with strength to resist temptation through the power of the Holy Spirit. We realize that whatever we were holding onto in our human shortcomings, is no longer in us! Jesus has come and set us free from the bondage of sin.

God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well. If you find yourself too overwhelmed, too tired, and just running too fast; if you can identify with Martha, know that obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off Jesus. Don’t linger. Take a few minutes between dashing and hurrying and celebrate our Resurrected Lord!

You can do this together by joining a group of praying moms. You’ll be amazed at the ways you can turn your trials into joy. You, your child, and the schools they attend will become threads of resurrected life, woven into the tapestry of His marvelous promises.

How do you celebrate Resurrection Sunday?

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Stephanie McDermott is the Moms in Prayer Florida State Coordinator and Leadership Developer for Bhutan, India, Singapore and Sri Lanka. She learned about Moms in Prayer in 2005 while living in Singapore when a  precious young mother invited her to a group. Since then, Stephanie has led groups of praying moms in six countries ranging from Europe to Southeast Asia to the USA. Stephanie has a supportive husband that encourages her every step of the way and two beautiful children that have been prayed up in Moms in Prayer all over the world. She has her undergraduate and post graduate degrees in education and has taught in several countries. Stephanie enjoys classical music, knitting, mentoring women and her three international cats.