7 Ways to Make Prayer a Priority

School has just started. I sit down and look at my calendar for the new school year and simply gasp. Each day is overflowing with events, athletic activities, work deadlines, meetings, appointments and more.

I often wonder, “How could I fit one more thing into this jam-packed schedule?”

Like many moms, I wrestle with what takes priority and what takes a lesser spot. What gets done and what does not. But, now in my tenth year of praying and leading a Moms in Prayer group, I’ve learned to make One Hour of Prayer a priority. Certainly, there are full time work schedules and other life events that make attending Moms in Prayer a challenge. When my dad was in his last two months on this side of eternity, his bedside took priority almost every day and every week.

But, when my husband was deployed twice with the U.S. Army, and I was single parenting four young kiddos, as hard as it was to attend, I knew I needed Moms in Prayer.

Moms in Prayer is not about perfect attendance, but rather an imperfect, yet dedicated commitment we make to ourselves, our children, our schools and to our Lord, Jesus.


As we embark on a new school year, whether we have preschoolers, high schoolers, or college-aged kids, or are empty-nesters or grandmothers, I know one thing that can take priority, with some careful planning and strategies, One Hour of Prayer.

So, this is more about inspiring moms whose schedules look like mine, or maybe even a little different, to say, “I can do this!”

Here are some strategies that I found work and keep me focused and motivated.

1. Schedule Moms in Prayer ahead of time. Put it on your calendar and block off that time like you do any other important event, such as a doctors’ appointment, vacation time and celebratory events. Consider scheduling the one hour of prayer far ahead of time, possibly months out, so that nothing unnecessary takes that precious spot.

2. Do not allow the enemy of our souls to convince us that our prayers are not working…because they are! When we remind ourselves of all the ways God has been faithful to our groups, we can clearly see God at work. Satan does try and sidetrack us at times with doubts and causes us to question whether the one hour is really for us. Especially during those times, stay committed. Focus on the truth in Scripture like Colossians 4:2, “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.”

3. Dirty kitchen, piles of laundry, exhaustion and on & on. All of these are a part of parenthood. Of course, we may need to miss attending Moms in Prayer for a week if we have a sick child at home, or if we have been up all night with a crying baby. It is really about doing our very best to avoid getting into the habit of not attending, especially if we feel it is inconvenient. Avoid listening to your emotions and debating whether to attend and just do it! We all know, once we are at a Moms in Prayer meeting, we are so thankful we decided to go.

4. Recognize you are doing kingdom work and that of eternal value. Our prayers go before the throne of God and He absolutely hears them. He lovingly desires to hear from us. Never lose sight of that truth; it keeps us grounded and committed. “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.” (Jeremiah 29:12)

5. Watch relationships form out of the one heart of Moms in Prayer moms. Our hearts are knit together as we pray together and beautiful friendships are formed.

6. Have a heart of praise, confession, thanksgiving and intercession. Living out the “Four Steps of Prayer” is a God-inspired model that works in our personal prayer life. Practicing the 4 steps at Moms in Prayer makes for a richer and fuller prayer life.

7. Recall those amazing attributes that touch us each week and ring true over and over throughout the year.

  • God is Our Fortress
  • God is a Miracle Worker
  • God Guards
  • God Provides
  • God is Our Joy…

So, as we look to the new school year with great anticipation, let it also be filled with great expectation of seeing Gods faithfulness to each of us and our Moms In Prayer groups. It is truly amazing to look back on each year and see His mighty hand at work and know that this is true for each week, month and year to come!

Susan Vernick is a Moms In Prayer leader and a published writer, author, newspaper columnist and national blogger. She is also owner of Etiquette Chics™ with her two teenage daughters and they provide etiquette and protocol advice though blogs, columns, videos and local television. Susan is married to a U.S. Army veteran and they have four children. Moms in Prayer has impacted her family in countless wonderful ways.