America’s Prime Mission Field

How could our nation change if students began praying on campuses around America? On today’s podcast, Lee Nienhuis and Jeff Eckart discuss the importance of prayer for schools and in schools. Jeff’s ministry is working on the cutting edge with students and youth workers helping reach the next generation.

Jeff and I discuss his vision to train and equip students to pray inside the walls of what he calls America’s biggest mission field- schools.

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Four Biblical Prayer Focuses for Campuses:

1. Grace (for believers)
2. Peace (in relationships)
3. Justice (change in school environment)
4. Mercy (change in circumstances, addictions)

Scripture Prayer:   “Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and all the people.” Luke 2:52 (NLT)

Jeff Eckart is a Christ follower, son, husband & father of 3 girls. He is founder & CEO of Never The Same, a ministry whose focus is uniting students to love God and change the world in which they live through their faith in Jesus. Part of this ministry is a movement called Claim Your Campus, with a vision to unite 1 million students in prayer at every middle school & high school in America. Find out more: Never the Same and Claim Your Campus @jeffeckart.

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