Antidote to Anxiety

Knowing that you are highly valued and greatly esteemed by the Ruler of the Universe counteracts and negates fear and worry.

What is the price of five sparrows— two copper coins? Yet God does not forget a single one of them. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.” Luke 12: 6-7

In these verses, Jesus wants to drive home a point. He wants to make sure that we really see what He is promising. He wants to paint a picture in our minds that will stick with us:

we don’t have to fear anything, because God— Creator God, Ruler God, Power-over-Life-and-Death God— values and cherishes us. We have great worth to Him.

It’s so improbable a concept that Jesus adds some texture to the promise with a description meant to anchor it in our understanding. When Jesus spoke the words above, He and His audience were outside. Maybe the marketplace was in view and they could see in the distance someone purchasing some sparrows, the cheapest and least-valued birds— the fare of the poor, for the most part. Imagine Jesus pointing in that direction, framing the scene in His hearers’ imaginations and asking, “What is the price of five sparrows— two copper coins?”

Jesus emphasizes that God is fully aware of every single sparrow— creature of little value, cheap to buy. But if God watches over even the sparrows, then surely He watches over and cares for you and me. We don’t have to be afraid of anything, anytime, anywhere. God’s protection and provision for us are so detailed that He knows how many hairs are on our heads.

Nothing escapes His notice. Nothing gets past Him. Nothing is hidden from His sight. So, Jesus reminds us, we don’t need to be afraid.

When anxiety tries to lay claim to your thoughts, when fear seeks a foothold in your mind, when confusion threatens to make a stand in your heart, look to Him;  seek His face. He is all the antidote you need to anything that might steal your peace.


What kinds of worries catch you in their trap?

Is something especially worrying you right now?

What truth do you know about Your Father that can counteract your worry that is based on a lie?

Jennifer Kennedy Dean adapted from Live a Praying Life

Many of us worry about our children. Replace anxiety with God’s peace by gathering to pray with other moms for your children and their schools:

Jennifer Kennedy Dean is the Executive Director of Praying Life Foundation. She will be speaking at Moms in Prayer Unshaken Minnesota  October 5-6, 2018 and at Unshaken Blue Ridge November 2-4, 2018. She will equip you to stand firm when your world seems to be spinning out of control. Jennifer is an author and speaks all over the world calling God’s people to discover the difference between “a prayer life” and “a praying life.” She was widowed in 2005 and has 3 grown sons.