Chuck Klein Campus Alliance Moms in Prayer

Campus Ministry Update

“Moms in Prayer is like the air force, the forerunner in a lot of campus ministry.” Today, Stacy sits down with the Executive Director of Campus Alliance, Chuck Klein, to talk about campus ministry. You won’t want to miss a moment as he shares the vision of every student within arm’s reach of the gospel.

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Campus Alliance Moms in Prayer ministry growthScripture:

He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.”  Matthew 9:37-38 (NLT)


Video of Chuck’s Childhood
Every School
Claim Your Campus

About our Guest:

Chuck Klein every student hears the gospel Moms in PrayerChuck Klein provides national leadership to the Campus Alliance, a coalition of over 60 organizations and church denominations with the vision of prayer, care and sharing the gospel with every middle school and high school student and campus in America. At the core of the Alliance is giving every student the opportunity to hear and respond to the message of Jesus Christ. The Campus Alliance sponsors where students and adult leaders can adopt their school and connect with resources for campus ministry. Chuck is also an author and video producer. He and his wife Clare make their home in Escondido, CA. They have 3 daughters and 3 grandchildren (and a fourth on the way).

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