2 or more moms praying together

Don’t Do Life Alone: Gather

Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. Matthew 18:19-20

There is something so very powerful and unable to be replicated when a mother is sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with another, agreeing in prayer over their own children.

Personally, with six kiddos, I could make a million reasons (and decent ones too) why meeting in person would just be too much. An excused absence in this phase of life could come easily, but not when it comes to prayer, not for me. It must be a priority.

My children are too valuable. Their teachers are too influential. And their schools are too significant to neglect to gather on their behalf.

Of all the unexpected challenges that these last few years have brought, I think the word “gather” can best describe what many of us lacked the most.

To gather is simply to come together, to assemble, to meet.

Yet to be honest, during those difficult, rocky months of Covid, our small Moms in Prayer group turned into a small prayer email which eventually turned into nada. In-person meetings were hardly happening and nobody wanted another Zoom call or notification in their inbox, so let’s just forget it, right?

But what does Jesus say… He says to gather.

And not necessarily by the dozens or the hundreds; He says that just two or three coming together at one time because of Him is more than sufficient here. Why? Because in these small gatherings, Jesus plants Himself among us.

Yes, technology can be terrific, but a text or email can never truly gather us.

If I can get one other mom to come alongside me and simply say, “Yes, I agree, Lord” and lift my child up by name in His Holy Name, then it is time very well spent. In the ears of the Lord, that small gathering is just as impactful and powerful as a packed arena agreeing together in prayer.

See, there is power when we gather, even when the gathering doesn’t look profoundly powerful. There’s been times when I’ve had multiple infants or toddlers and prayer had to look like little ones laying across my lap with more running around and my kitchen table full of moms with one eye open and the other closed.

It wasn’t ideal, but it was the sacrificial season I was in, and we made it work because we knew it was valuable. These days it’s typically one late-night per week meeting once the kids are all in bed and the hubby is done for the day. Then I can tiptoe down to our basement and bow my head before my God with other moms.

With our little prayer group resurrected, it’s usually just two or three of us moms, but there is Christ agreeing and advocating right alongside of us, just as He has promised.

It’s true, we are guaranteed fellowship with Christ Himself when just a few of us can commit to assembling together. We don’t have to be in the same season of life. We don’t have to be on the same page with all of our theology. We don’t have to enjoy the same types of activities or have our kids in the same sports. Our commonality in Christ supersedes all these things and our commitment to gather for our children, their teachers, and their schools, does too.

So let’s gather in His name, the sweet, saving Name that allows just a couple to accomplish so much more than thousands without Him ever could.

Dear God, would you help us recommit to Your call to gather together. It’s so easy to replace it with more convenient or less committed alternatives. But You say come together, gather, and we pray we won’t take that gift for granted again. Thank you for being present with us when just two or three of us meet in Your Name. We cannot fully grasp how incredible that fact is, but please help us remain grateful for that mind-blowing promise. Lord, we desire Your attendance and we come together for You. Enable us to gather, and let it always be in Your Name. Amen.

Moms in Prayer

Mom season young kids little timeMichelle K Umbehauer studied Journalism at La Salle University in Philadelphia. She soon opted to become a stay-at-home momma (x6) yet has never stopped her love of writing. Her book, Got Your Hands Full, is available on Amazon and offers relatable encouragement to any mom with more than one kiddo. Michelle enjoys leading local groups of women, mothers, and married couples in New Jersey with a passion to build up others in Christ. She especially loves doing life and ministry alongside of her dedicated husband, Doug. Connect with Michelle.