Forever Changed—Sally Burke’s Moms in Prayer Story

I never dreamed a friend’s invitation to a prayer event would change my life forever. The speaker was Fern Nichols, and she shared how to bless my children through prayer, to ask God that they would find favor in their teachers’ eyes. Wow! That’s what I wanted!



I was a young mom, a new believer in Christ, and I had never actually prayed out loud. So when I stepped into my first Moms in Prayer meeting, I listened. Just listened. For six weeks I prayed along in my heart, but didn’t say a word.
Still, I couldn’t stop going, and finally the Holy Spirit gave me the courage to speak out His Word, to pray His truth for my son. What an amazing experience, praying for my son, hearing other moms pray for my son. This was my new top priority for my kids.
God’s answers poured in like a flood that first year; our group witnessed dramatic miracles. God healed children of major illnesses. We saw changes in kids’ attitudes and behaviors. We prayed that every child would hear the good news—and He brought a Good News Club to our campus. And several teachers at our elementary school accepted Christ as Savior!
I was part of something so remarkable. Indescribable really. And I wanted other moms to know about this great calling on their lives. I wanted them to know, when times are tough, in the deepest valleys, the beauty of having a Moms in Prayer group like I had. Women who were there for me, joining me, carrying my child to Jesus—a godly sisterhood rallying around me. Moms armed and ready with scriptural prayer for our kids when we need it most. 


This was just too good … I was compelled to reach out and tell other moms, so I signed up to serve as area coordinator for my hometown. God surrounded me with a strong team, and we watched Him raise up 60 new groups.
Then, He grew my vision even larger and called me as regional coordinator for all of Riverside County—25 school districts with 700 schools and half a million students. Once again we found God faithful, as every school district was eventually covered with the mentorship of an area coordinator and hundreds of students accepted the Lord. I thank God for my eight years in this role, the relationships formed with individuals, churches and ministries—priceless blessings.


In 2008, with great excitement and anticipation, I “took on the world” for Moms in Prayer International. My position: Director of Field Ministry at headquarters. Briefly stated, my job has been to provide spiritual and strategic direction to the ministry worldwide. I stand simply amazed, as I have watched God double the number of countries with Moms in Prayer presence. What a joy to have an incredible staff of four women alongside me, a strong team of Field Ministry Department volunteers and thousands of volunteers laboring for Moms in Prayer around the globe all with the same mission: every child and every school covered in prayer.


All glory goes to God. I have taken on each new Moms in
Prayer role following His leading. As I have relied on Him, gathered teams
around me (who get most of the credit!), and as we have committed all our ways
to Him in prayer, He has done it all!
I love working with women abroad, some of them have so
little, but their hearts are big, and they serve God with contagious
enthusiasm. I remember one Brazilian mom stood before me, taking both sides of
my face in her hands as she gazed intently into my eyes. “I have been praying
for your son,” she said. My son. Prayed for by women from around the world.
Some I don’t even know. My son. Healed by God of gran mal seizures after ten
years. A miracle. Even the neurologist could not believe it. I love that we are
a global sisterhood.
One of our moms traveled to Africa and shared the four steps
with women in a village there—and they prayed for their children from Zechariah
2:5, that “God would be a wall of fire around them, and their glory within.” Shortly
afterwards, one of their sons was kidnapped with the intent to offer him as a
child sacrifice. The witch doctor gave the boy a drug to paralyze him so that
he could not resist, but it was the men around him who could not touch the boy.
They could not explain it, but there was a wall
of fire
around him! In further answer to prayer, the witch doctor was
This is the God we pray to! Oh, the stories I could share. I
know you could too. God is working miracles in our kids, in our schools … in
us. His power is unleashed through our prayers. I cannot imagine my life
without the joy and unity and support of Moms in Prayer.
As I step into this new adventure, I want you to know that the mission of Moms
in Prayer International is not changing. Fern is—and always will be—our founder.
The vision God brought us through Fern remains the same. Our God is the same. I
am simply taking over the responsibility for the day-to-day operations. What a
joy and privilege it is to be mentored by Fern, having the opportunity to learn
from her. I have confidence in God, in what He’s doing, and I’m grateful that
Fern will be here to guide and advise me.
My vision is to reach out to young mothers and challenge the
next generation of moms to take up the cry for their children and schools. God can do all things. He can transform every child. Every campus can be covered in prayer. 


For all of you who faithfully pray each week in your groups,
I’m deeply grateful. If you haven’t yet started or connected with a group, will
you join us as we enter God’s throne room? Will you gather to intercede for yourchildren and their schools? God is able to do abundantly more than you ask or
imagine. Your life will be forever changed.
one mom to another,
Sally Burke, President
Moms in Prayer International