God Answers in a Rehab Facility

I have the privilege of taking the Moms in Prayer ministry to women here in Clovis, New Mexico to our local Christian Discipleship/Rehab program.

This particular day we were asked to meet in the women’s housing facility because the keys to the place where we normally met were displaced. The staff told me that there was a new woman who might be a little distracting since she was in bed on the other side of the living room, detoxing. I am always thankful to meet with the ladies. Sometimes I’m a little nervous, but that day I wasn’t at all.

I shared the heart, confidentiality and format of Moms in Prayer with two new ladies who came to the class.

The gal who had been there the longest asked to be excused to check on the newcomer, Christa. She quickly returned to say Christa was crying and asking us to come pray for her. So we gathered beside her bed. As I knelt down seeking God beside this woman hidden under the covers and crying out for help, I began to pray.

I cannot even tell you the words I prayed. The Holy Spirit was at work. I could hear the girls on either side of me quietly praying away.

At one point I told Christa that who the Son sets free is surely free indeed and that Christ died to set her free. Pretty soon she relaxed and peeked out from under the covers. She asked me, “Who are you?” I was stumped at what to say. But it was on my mind to ask her if she had resentment in her heart. She began to cry out, “Yes!” She resented her mom. She began confessing to us her resentment and how badly she had treated her mom.

God reminded me of His words of forgiveness in 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Proclaiming to Christa that she was forgiven, her clear blue eyes lit up and with a toothless smile, she sat up in bed. Looking more attentive, one of the girls suggested she shower. We returned to pray, inviting Christa to join us when she was done showering.

Christa was back with us during the time of thanksgiving.

With a moment for instruction, I explained to her to let that old place of resentment fill up with thanksgiving for her mom. She joined in, thanking God.

She then went back to her room since she was still a little queasy. But before she left, she told me, “You are a disciple of Christ.” I later thought, “Well now, I have my answer next time someone asks me, ‘Who are you?’” I left there that day amazed and blessed to be a part of God’s wonderful plans!

The story is not over. I received a call that evening that Christa had passed away shortly after I left. The other ladies testified that Christa now belonged to Christ and she would suffer no more. Thank you Lord!

Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. Psalm 116:15 (NKJV)

Later we found out Christa was 57 and her mom had been praying for her for many, many years.

Never give up praying, moms! God hears the cries of our hearts for our children. What a glorious reminder He gave me that day!

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Debbie Eliason is a wife of 43 years, mom of four and grandmother to nine precious, amazing grandchildren. She currently lives with her husband Jim in New Mexico where they own a road construction company. Shortly after giving her life to Jesus in 1990, Debbie started two Moms in Prayer groups, one with her neighbor for the grade school and one for the high school. Through moving to Alaska, navigating her youngest sons’ special needs, caring for parents and grandparents, and her husband coming to the Lord, God has continued to encourage her and bless her in finding Moms in Prayer groups. Debbie has served as the roster manager in both Wyoming and New Mexico. She continues to love encouraging women in prayer and leading Bible studies. Her favorite hobby is gardening.