His Ministry, His Way

Do you ever feel like you and God aren’t on the same page? Like you have these great ministry ideas, but He has OTHER plans? In our pride, we try to hold on to our plans because, after all, they are GOOD plans that will further His Kingdom, right?

I had plans this fall to host a Moms in Prayer Informational in one of my new cities, Loveland. I hit one wall after another. I couldn’t find a location (I really wanted to host this in a home there). Choosing a date didn’t work out (everyone is so busy in the fall). So I began to get discouraged. Again, I was doing this for HIM, or so I thought. During this struggle, the Children’s Director at my church, Dayspring Christian Church in Windsor, Colorado, asked if I would be interested in teaching the kids of our church to pray.

The Children’s Director at my church asked if I would be interested in teaching the kids of our church how to pray.

We had a prayer service for adults coming up. The attendance to these prayer nights had been dropping. Could it be because most adults have a hard time praying with other people? And could it be because no one has taught them how to pray powerfully and effectively?

I set aside my concerns for Loveland (temporarily!) and threw my energy into preparing how to teach kids, from four years old through fifth grade, how to pray. And because I didn’t want the older kids to miss out, I asked the middle schoolers to come be my “helpers,” knowing that they too would pick up on the lessons.

The Moms in Prayer website was a big help. Some great prayer warriors have come up with the Girls in Prayer curriculum. I supplemented where I needed to, and here’s a shortened version of what I came up with:

Center One – Praise!  This one was fun. I made a memory game out of the attributes of God. They had to find the matching attribute (think: Awesome, Powerful, Comforter) and when they got a match, they had to shout it out! At the end, we talked about how to praise God using these attributes and took some time to practice it. When the girl in this picture found a match during the game, she clear as day shouted out “HELPER!” Praise Him!

Center Two – Confession:  This one was from the website… we put chocolate sauce in each child’s hand and waited for it to spread and get uncomfortable, icky, and sticky. We talked about how unconfessed sin tends to spread and grow and it makes us uncomfortable. We then talked about what confession means and how God cleanses us from unrighteousness. During this time, the center leader wiped the child’s hand clean. It was such a beautiful picture!

Center Three – Thanksgiving:  We made thankful wheels! They are like pies, with different areas of life written in each section, that spur us into thankfulness. For example, school (I’m thankful for my teachers), family (I’m thankful for my sister), music (I’m thankful I can take piano lessons), etc. We also talked about how we can be thankful for things that seem hard at the time, but are building us up for future kingdom business!

Center Four – Intercession:  We made a “river” on the floor with blue painters tape. The kids had to help each other across the river, but only one child (usually a middle school student) could touch the “water.” They had to figure out how to help each child get across the river without touching the water. We then talked about intercession being one person standing in the gap for someone else. The leader carried their need across the river to the other side. Prayer carries someone else’s needs to God. And usually when we are praying for someone else’s needs, we tend to forget about our own problems. They then sat down, shared prayer requests, and prayed for each other’s needs.

At the end, we all gathered, put the 4-steps together, and prayed. By this time, the younger kids were bouncing off the walls. I handed the kids 4-steps cards. When the parents came to pick up their children, each of them received a Moms in Prayer bookmark, and just prayed the kids got something out of the evening. You just never know…

Before bed that night, I received a text from one of the mothers (all six of her kids had been there): “Kara, I was highly impressed and truly inspired for your efforts this evening over all the kids on behalf of our King and His Kingdom. I’m so grateful for you and your sincere kindness. And thank you to all your helpers, especially your mom. I’ve been truly blessed by her example as I’ve observed in such a short while how she so deeply pours into everyone. Her effort to pray over and share her faith with the next generation is priceless. God bless your week!” (Note: My mom has been a part of in Moms in Prayer for years and a prayer warrior!)

Even with the encouraging text, at this point, the enemy’s lies were taking hold. “Sure,” I thought. “Her kids are excited about prayer now. But will they even remember what they learned in the morning. Was tonight a big flop? Was anyone even listening?”

The next morning, I received a text from the same mom: I came downstairs to make breakfast this morning and Eli and Joshua had their stuffed animals lined up on the couch and they were teaching them how to pray! Thank you for such a great lesson!

Wow! Here I thought I had all these great ideas for spreading the ministry of Moms in Prayer into Loveland (and I still do! I think it’s going to be a “New Year’s Resolution to Pray” Meeting). But God knew that there are children out there (and a few stuffed animals too) who needed to learn how to pray!

The next generation needs to be taught how to pray powerfully and effectively so we can continue building His kingdom. The faithful prayer of a CHILD can accomplish much!

What are your ministry plans this season?

Now ask yourself, what are GOD’S ministry plans for me this season?

He may open your eyes to a need you never saw coming. And when we are willing to walk in obedience, great blessings occur! I’m praying for each and every one of us to have eyes to see, hearts to hear, and the courage to obey!

Kara Taylor is a Colorado native and second generation Moms in Prayer warrior (her mom and mother-in-law prayed together, not knowing their children would end up married to each other). In addition to being the Larimer County Area Coordinator, she leads a group at her kids’ school, Heritage Christian Academy. She lives in Timnath with her husband Joe, son Jayden (13), daughter Kylie (11), and her puppy-love Husker.