Human Trafficking and Our Kids

“Between 300,000-400,000 minors will be human trafficked in the United States this year.” Today’s guest, Warning Lights Founder, Jenn Amo, and Lee, discuss the reality of human and sex trafficking facing our students today. This episode is full of helpful tips for raising our kids’ awareness and ways to pray to combat this hidden epidemic.

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Show Notes:

National Human Trafficking Reporting Hotline:  888-373-7888

Find more information about the Warning Lights program  and connect with Jenn on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter: @jennatwar


Jenn Amo is the Founder of Warning Lights, a non-profit organization that takes a preventative, educational approach in the fight against human trafficking. Stunned by the realities of this crime both domestically and abroad, Jenn is the author of the Warning Lights curriculum which helps raise parental and student awareness about the dangers of this largely hidden crime. With an educational background in communications, she has been delighted to speak internationally to audiences of all types and ages including schools, churches and organizations. Jenn is a loud laugher, a creative problem solver, and lover of sparkly things. Jenn has been married to Matt for 17 years and they make their home in Grand Rapids, Michigan.