how to teach my child about God

Intentionally Sharing the Gospel with Children

We know you thoughtfully pray over your children and that your heart overflows for your kids and their friends to know Jesus, but sometimes it can be hard to specifically talk to them about the Gospel message. We get it! But it’s important to remember that God called us to spread the Gospel, and by doing so, we are partnering with the Holy Spirit to spread His kingdom in our circle of influence.

As Moms, we have an even more unique opportunity and amazing privilege to share the love of Christ with our children. We desperately want to guide them towards a life that includes Jesus, because we have seen firsthand the impact it can have. By influencing our children to live a life that includes Jesus, we are also impacting their friends.

Did you know that 20% of Christ-followers were led to Christ by a friend?

This proves how important it is that we teach our children about God so that they can, in turn, teach their friends about Him. This is how a community is eternally impacted.

3 Important Life Questions Kids Ask

There are three questions we hear most often from children — and they are deep life questions.
1. Where did I come from?
2. What’s my purpose?
3. What happens after I die?

Not only do these three questions directly point to God’s Word, but it shows that they are craving to know Jesus and the Gospel message! It’s important to intentionally prepare your heart and be ready to talk to children about these — whether they are your own children, your children’s friends, or other kids within your community.

Simple ways for your child to share the gospelAt Bible2School, we’re all about making it easy and fun to share the Gospel with children! We have created various resources for parents to use, but the most popular is our CBA Cross! This is our child-friendly version of the Gospel. It gives children the opportunity to confess their sins, repent, and express their faith in Jesus Christ.

C – Confess that you have sinned and made bad choices.
B – Believe Jesus died for the forgiveness of your sins.
A – Ask God to forgive your sins and ask Him to be part of your life forever.

Since children are visual learners, we highly recommend using this FREE RESOURCE to help share the Gospel with the children in your circle of influence.

How to Explain The Gospel Message to Children

At Bible2School, we intentionally share the Gospel with 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders attending public school DURING their school day. We truly believe that children are not hearing Biblical truth in today’s culture, so it is our vision that every public school in our nation would have a dynamic Bible program taught during their school day as allowed by national released time court rulings.

God is working through our ministry to not only touch the lives of children, but also their friends and family. Here is an amazing Godstory as an example… Colson and his friend, Sam, were sitting on the school bus together. Sam elbowed him and said “Hey Colson, I don’t really believe in God and I want to go to Heaven. I don’t know how to believe in God. Can you help me?” Right there, on the school bus, Colson told Sam how to pray and he accepted Jesus into his heart. Colson’s mom was overjoyed that Bible2School equipped her son to share his faith and lead his friend in a life-saving prayer.

So keep covering your children and their friends in prayer. And make time and space to intentionally and passionately share the Good News to the children in your circle of influence. How will they know the hope and truth that Jesus offers if no one tells them?
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Kori Pennypacker
CEO, Bible2School
Kori has served with Bible2School since 2011. She has over 20 years of Children’s Ministry and leadership experience. Kori oversees the mission of Bible2School and speaks to businesses, churches, and community leaders nationwide about the importance of spiritual training for children in our communities. Kori is also the host of Bible2School’s podcast, You CAN Tell the Children and she has been featured on Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk. She is a proud Navy wife and a thankful mother to three fine young men who love Jesus.