Mission Minded Families

In a mission-minded family, there’s God-infused energy.  There’s a focus on God’s worldwide purpose and a passion for the lost.  Today, Lee is joined by Ann Dunagan to talk about what it means to be on mission as a family, and how we can cultivate God’s heart for the world in our homes.

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2 Corinthians 5:20: “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.”


Mission-Minded Families: Saying “YES!” to Jesus and God’s Great Commission by Jon and Ann Dunagan

To learn more about Mission Minded Families and Ann:

About our Guest:

AnnDunagan Mission Minded Women and FamiliesANN DUNAGAN is a mom of 7 (born in 1986 to 2000, and all homeschooled K-12) with an ever-increasing number of married-in-spouses and grandkids). In 1987, Jon and Ann Dunagan founded HarvestMinistry.org, and their family has shared the light of Jesus to a combined total of 120+ nations — winning souls, loving orphans, planting churches, and equipping MissionMindedWomen.org and MissionMindedFamilies.org. With passion for the Lord and the lost, Ann mobilizes everyday believers to live on-mission for God, saying, “Missions is not just for missionaries; God’s call is for all.”