Find powerful prayer community for moms

Moms: Experience the Power of a Praying Community

Tina and her daughter Britt, now also a mom, encourage you in godly motherhood:

Coming together with other moms to pray for our children is a spiritual force to be reckoned with!

As moms we are created for community with one another. I’m convinced that is why the enemy works overtime to keep us from one another through things like comparison, jealousy, and cattiness.

If the next generations are to experience the freedom and victory that Christ provides, it’s imperative that we as moms join forces in the spiritual realm and tear down the strongholds that are plaguing our children in this world.

In Hebrews 10:25 the Bible commands us, “And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.” As believers, we need to get together regularly because when we do, we connect on a spiritual level and that is what feeds our souls. That’s why you walk away feeling so good, blessed, and joyful. Also, you’re discussing and praying about things that have an eternal impact.

Local community with other Christian moms is not a box to check, but relationships to develop.

Jesus tells his disciples in Matthew 18:19-20, “If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you. For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.”

There have been many times after praying a specific, detailed prayer with another mom for a child, I’ve seen God move in those exact ways. Our faith has grown significantly because as moms, we get to experience the answers together.

There are two specific disciplines we must learn to practice as praying moms:

  1. Pray for what God wants for our children’s lives instead of praying with our own agenda. It’s so easy as a mom to think I might know best what my kids need. In Moms in Prayer, we pray the word of God for our kids knowing that we’re praying His will.
  1. Second, it’s critical that we maintain short sin accounts. That means that we consistently recognize those areas of sin in our personal lives, confess this, and choose to repent.

When we approach God with clean hands and a clear conscience, our prayers for our children can’t help but be powerful. This is the place where God changes your heart and builds a closer relationship with you.

Moms with Young Children

From Britt:

Prayer is powerful. Prayer should never be our last resort, but our first response. I have seen firsthand the effects prayer has had in my children’s lives. Consistent prayer for your children aligning with God’s will, will produce righteous results. Something I remind myself of regularly is, I cannot control what my children will be exposed to in this world, but I can control what happens within the walls of my home. I can teach them the truth so they will recognize the lies.

I can be a mom that:

  • Prays fiercely and relentlessly for them to our Almighty Sovereign God.
  • Co-labors in parenting my children with the One who knows them best, following the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
  • Equips my children to live in this fallen world. To be a faithful disciple so they can go make disciples.

No matter the choices they make, I know how powerful prayer is and the truth of God’s word and in that I find peace. I know this profoundly because I have a mother who prayed and taught me.

There is a reason God has commanded us to be in community with one another, because we need each other. As a mother I’ve learned just how important this is.

Regularly spending time in fellowship with other Christian moms has impacted my role as a mother, my children, and my walk with Christ.

We talk about things that really matter and there’s encouragement and sharing of true godly wisdom to help deal with problems. Ultimately, community plays an essential role in our spiritual growth and when we make a consistent effort to gather together, it shows our children the importance of community too.

Pray this with me:

Heavenly Father, I pray that you would grant me the courage I need to step out and seek community among your church. Lord, you know me best so I pray that you would bring the friends into my life that I need. Grow my circle of friends. I pray for godly friendships; women who will draw me closer to You and who will continuously point me back to You. In Jesus name, Amen.

The time for getting serious about gathering to pray for our children is now. The trajectory of our children’s lives depends on it. The trajectory of our society depends on it.

I am convinced that the revival of the next generation will land squarely on the shoulders of praying moms. God is doing a work of epic proportions through moms gathering to pray.

If you don’t have a Moms in Prayer group that meets for the school your children attend, I encourage you to start one today. Our schools need prayer. Our teachers need prayer. Our children need prayer.

Moms in Prayer

How to teach my daughter to pray for her childrenTina Smith and Britt Fortunato are the mother and daughter duo of Legacy – A Mom Podcast. As moms, we have the power to change the trajectory of our families today! On the podcast, Tina and Britt talk about how God has transformed both of them from leaving a legacy of destruction to a legacy of life that lives on for generations to come. We are all leaving a legacy. Have you thought about yours? Tina is the Director and Founder of Raising Kids on Your Knees. Connect with her and her daughter Britt and find resources at