How do I know if my prayers are working?

Nameless & Faceless But Known by God

Sometimes we don’t know who we’re praying for.

When my Moms in Prayer (MIP) group prays for the University of New Hampshire, we can’t possibly pray for the 15,000 students by name. So, we pray for them in large groups: those in a degree program, or in a certain dorm, or connected to one of the campus ministries. We pray for the saved as a whole and the unsaved as a whole, thousands of what seems like faceless students without names. But to God, he knows each one. He knew them before one of their days came to be. Such was the case with Amy.*

Amy was a freshman ROTC cadet who responded “yes” to an invitation to a winter retreat. One night, on a frozen lake in January of 2023, she gave her life to Christ. She made a public declaration of that decision four months later in a 42-degree ocean when she joined 7 other students in the waters of baptism at the end of the semester.

In a 42-degree ocean, Amy joined 7 other students in the waters of baptism at the end of the semester.

Amy attended my church, but I did not know her. She wanted to attend our annual women’s retreat last November, but she didn’t have a roommate. I also didn’t have a roommate, so one of the ministry leaders asked if I would consider rooming with a UNH student. I agreed, expecting the Lord had plans for this divine appointment.

On the first evening of our retreat, I took Amy to dinner. I asked her to share her story and she enthusiastically shared the testimony that you read above. With great amazement, I realized God was allowing me the privilege to see the fruit of my prayers; our prayers. The UNH MIP group had prayed for Amy when she seemed to be a nameless, faceless student. We thanked God when all the students were baptized and still, we knew none of them. Then six months later, in an arrangement divinely orchestrated by my heavenly Father, I met one of the nameless and the faceless. I met one who the angels had rejoiced over 10 months earlier.

… I met one of the nameless and the faceless. I met one who the angels had rejoiced over 10 months earlier.

I saw Amy again a few weeks ago. She had decided to unenroll from school and pursue a different path forward. I told her I wanted to pray for her to send her off, unsure if we would ever see each other again. When I finished praying for her, she was crying. “Why are you crying?” I asked. “No one has ever prayed for me before,” was her response.

No, we don’t always see the answers to our prayers, especially as we pray for students we don’t know in schools that we might not have much access to. Be assured, God hears every prayer and He answers them. I just had the privilege to see one of those answers up close and personal.

In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents. Luke 15:10

*name has been changed

pray with me

Lord, thank you for the women who faithfully gather to pray for children and schools around the world. I pray for the Christian moms who aren’t yet in a Moms in Prayer group to realize the great honor it is to pray for our own children and the many students and teachers at their schools or universities. Even though some may seem nameless and faceless, Lord, You know them well and desire each one to understand who You are, to accept You as Savior, and to serve You with great purpose. Continue to raise up Moms in Prayer groups to pray for students who desperately need Jesus and may Your will be accomplished in their lives, on earth as it is in heaven. May You bless us with a glimpse of the lives we are impacting through our prayers. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

How has God answered prayer for your child or a classmate? Comment below.
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How to pray for college studentsDeb Turcotte serves as a New Hampshire Regional Coordinator for Moms in Prayer (MIP). She started praying with a MIP group 18 years earlier and currently leads a group that prays for the University of New Hampshire. She’s also a group leader in Women’s Bible Study at her church and uses her gift of encouragement whenever she has opportunity. Deb has been married to Len for 33 years and they have two adult children. She enjoys traveling with her husband (especially loving the Atlantic Provinces of Canada), one-on-one time with friends, and simply being in nature, marveling at God’s creation.

Comments 10

  1. I love to hear how the Lord works in and through our prayers!
    And I am grateful for you, Deb! Grateful that you continue to persevere in prayer with a heart for all to come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Well done, faithful servant of God.

  2. Deb, Thank you for sharing this story! Such an encouraging message to keep praying for our kids and our schools. We might never see the impact of our prayers this side of the world, but our prayers matter, they impact the here & now, and eternity for our children!

    1. Yes Glory, our prayers do matter! Though we don’t know what the future holds, we can look back and see so many answered prayers in the lives of our children. Since we have a faithful God, we are assured that He will continue to answer as we move forward.

  3. Thank you Deb for sharing this beautiful story! It brought me to tears! It encourages me to keep praying for those nameless, faceless students when I drive by UNH.
    Thank you for being such an awesome example of a prayer warrior! I have learned so much from you over the years about persisting in prayer! ❤

    1. Oh, thanks so much, Julie! It has been a joy to pray with you over the years. You are a cherished sister in Christ.

  4. How gracious is God to sometimes give us glimpses of the difference our prayers make! Thank you for reminding us!

  5. Thank you Deb for sharing your story and praying so faithfully. It is a JOY to pray with you weekly. So excited about what God is doing in New Hampshire. Praying God continues to reveal and guide!

    1. Sue, I’m so thankful to have you as a faithful prayer partner in this ministry. Your amazement at what God is doing in all of New England encourages me greatly!

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