Parents Rising

Who is running the show in your home? Today, Arlene Pellicane and host, Lee Nienhuis, discuss the importance of parents taking their place as the loving authority within their homes. Arlene explains how developing a few key strategies in our lives actually brings greater peace and fruitfulness into the lives of our children. It’s worth the effort of stepping up our parenting game!

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Parents Rising: 8 Strategies For Raising Kids Who Love God, Respect Authority, and Value What’s Right by Arlene Pellicane

The book shaping Arlene’s prayer life: Start With Praise, Living Empowered Through Prayer by Sally Burke and Cyndie Claypool de Neve

Arlene Pellicane is a wife, mother, speaker, author and a Moms in Prayer mom! Her books, Parents Rising, Calm, Cool, and Connected, 31 Days to Becoming a Happy Wife, 31 Days to a Happy Husband and 31 Days to a Becoming a Happy Mom, develop the goal she has for all of us, more happiness in our homes, more closeness to God and others, and more purpose in our day-to-day lives. Arlene and her family make their happy home in San Diego, California. Find out more about Arlene.

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