Teaching moms to pray for their children and schools
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
Romans 12:12 (NIV)
I recently heard an interview featuring Karen Ellis, Director of the Edmiston Center for the Study of the Bible and Ethnicity. Her topic was “How Prayer Unites Us.” Ms. Ellis emphasized that rather than “prayer ministries,” we need to seek “prayer-discipling ministries.” She spoke about how casual society has become about prayer, saying that “thoughts and prayers” have become more of a sentiment than an action or commitment to pray for someone.
As I considered her words, I realized that Moms in Prayer International is indeed a prayer-discipling ministry. I have learned so much about how to pray in the years I’ve been involved in this organization.
Here’s what I’ve learned:
- To love and trust God more through growing in knowledge of His attributes.
- How important it is to come before Him with a clean and humble heart, made that way through confession.
- To rejoice and be thankful for the answers to small and big prayers—both my own, and those of other moms.
- That praying God’s Word is powerful, and often when I stay in His Word, He fills me with just those passages I need to apply to a certain situation.
We gain powerful fellowship with other women as we share our Mama Hearts with God and one another, and often marvel at the beautiful words another mom speaks over our children while we listen!
Yes, Moms in Prayer has allowed me to grow in my Christian walk and given me a deeper love and commitment to my Savior. It has provided me with beloved mentors and prayer partners. It has benefitted my family in countless ways, given me peace and the ability to trust God’s promises in difficult situations. It has allowed me to be vulnerable and honest as I pray in my group because of the protections our Policies and Statement of Faith spell out.
I encourage you to think about how you have grown in your prayer life since you have been involved in Moms in Prayer. Think of the difference it has made and continues to make in your family. Then think and pray for a mom you know who needs those things. Invite her to your home. Give her the gift of prayer-discipling, not just your “thoughts and prayers.”
Who will you invite over to disciple in prayer and ask to join your Moms in Prayer group?
- If you’re not in a Moms in Prayer group yet, come join us!
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Celia with her family on an airplane camping trip at West Cook Inlet Beach
Celia Koelsch is the Moms in Prayer (MIP) Group Information Assistant/Field Encourager for Alaska. Her son is a junior in college, and her daughter just graduated high school and will be starting college in the fall, leaving Celia and Andy, her husband of 29 years, with an empty nest. She has been a member of Moms in Prayer since her oldest began first grade. She leads a weekly MIP college/career group and a group at her church. She enjoys gardening, reading, needlework, Bible study and airplane adventures and Alaska explorations with her family.