Prayers That Will Change Your Daughter’s Life

It has been a year since Wynter Danielle Pitts passed away. A year since my wife’s physical human body graced this earth with her presence. In all respects, my family has put our hope into nothing less than Jesus Christ, this hope that He has given us in this world and the next.

Through a myriad of circumstances and God’s timing, Wynter started the ministry, For Girls Like You. Writing from her heart to each of our daughters, she would transfer the truth, love, beauty and fun that she found in her Savior. It was a truth that she struggled to fully grasp as a little girl herself. Her last book, the one that she was finishing up the evening that she passed from earth to heaven, is aptly titled, “I Am Yours: Prayers For God’s Girl.” Her cousin, Priscilla Shirer, would refer to this comprehensive work as her Last Will & Testament.

In this book, Wynter shows your tween girl all the wonderful things God has in store for her when she talks to Him.

Here’s an excerpt from the chapter, Prayers for You, that I wanted to share with you and your daughter:

“… you may remember me talking about my grandmother and the way she prayed. When I was a little girl, I would watch her pray for what seemed like forever! Breakfast would have to wait, and my stomach would growl and growl, which was a little upsetting because we all know how hungry we can get when we first wake up! But mostly, watching my grandmother—we called her Mama—talk to God every single day just made me really curious.

Prayer. I had so many questions about it. I wanted to talk to God about things too, but I could never make my prayers last more than a few seconds…well, maybe almost a minute if it was close to Christmas or my birthday! I just figured that the older I got, the more I would have to say to God, right? But I was curious, so I kept on praying. As I prayed, I learned more and more about God and grew closer and closer to Him.

Maybe you haven’t thought much about praying. You might even think the whole idea of talking to yourself seems a bit weird. I can relate to that too! Praying can seem very mysterious and confusing if you haven’t done it very much.

Whatever you think about prayer, I want you to know that God loves hearing you talk to Him.

And do you know what else? He loves to talk to His children. Not just His adult children, but all His children—including you! You’re going to learn a lot about prayer. But you’re not just going to read about it—you’re going to do it! Don’t worry. It’s not as complicated as it might seem. Prayer is something God designed for everyone—including girls like you!”

From I Am Yours: Prayers for God’s Girl, Prayer is For You, by Wynter Pitts. Publisher: Harvest House

Hope is found in every word and prayer written in this Last Will & Testament of Wynter’s. An inheritance is left behind. Wynter knew, and God allowed her to convey, that the sum of our lives is wrapped around two key factors, our relationship with God and our relationship with those God will have our lives touch.

Though she wrote to tween girls as her primary audience for nine years, I believe that her life’s message will continue to speak to girls of all ages and the dads, husbands, brothers, and cousins that are given the responsibility to protect, guide and help each of them along the way.

It’s been a year since Wynter has been gone, but her words will continue to echo and reverberate for eternity. And that gives me tremendous hope.

Get I Am Yours: Prayers for God’s Girl. Each chapter includes a key Scripture verse, an impactful message from Wynter, and a heartfelt prayer written specially to help your daughter communicate with God.

As your daughter learns to pray, support her through joining a Moms in Prayer group where you will pray with other moms for your kids and their schools. It’s a community you want to join now! Find out more.

Jonathan Pitts is an author, speaker, and the executive pastor at Church of the City in Franklin, Tennessee. He previously served as the executive director at the Urban Alternative, the national ministry of Dr. Tony Evans. Jonathan has co-authored two books alongside of his late wife, Wynter Pitts. He is also President and co-founder of For Girls Like You Ministries, an equipping and resourcing ministry for tween girls and their parents. Jonathan is the father of four daughters and was blessed with fifteen intentional years of marriage to Wynter.