From timid mama to bold intercessor

Saying Yes to God’s Next Step

“I expected, as I prayed, that my family would be blessed, but I didn’t expect to be so personally blessed.” Today, Lee sits down with Moms in Prayer Southern California State Coordinator, Stacy Callender, to hear how God has faithfully led and transformed one timid mama into a bold intercessor. Listen in as Lee and Stacy share the next twist in their story and their collective, “Yes!” to God’s leading.

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Prayers from the heart of a mom Moms in PrayerLinks:
About our Guest:

Stacy Callender is the Southern California State Coordinator for Moms in Prayer International. She has been involved with Moms in Prayer for the past 22 years and has seen firsthand the power of God through prayer. Stacy considers it a great privilege and joy to inspire others with her passion for prayer. She and her husband, Scott, live in Southern California with their four amazing children.

Southern California Prayers Stacy Callendar Moms in Prayer






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