I first heard about Moms in Prayer on a Focus on the Family episode when my firstborn daughter was a toddler. Little did I know how much I would need praying moms around me, learning to come to a place of deep dependence on God in raising my oldest.
My daughter Rachel was born strong-willed and in the early teen years, the battle of the wills ensued to a whole new level. Talking and grounding just seemed to make her dig her heels in deeper. It just wasn’t reaching her heart. I realized it was something only the Lord could do.
That’s when I remembered hearing about Moms in Prayer and searched for a local group. I found a contact online and she invited me to go with her. I soaked it up and began a group of my own, gathering other moms around me. These became some of my dearest friends, pouring out our hearts before God for our children.
One day years later, my husband and I surprisingly saw Rachel going forward at church to be baptized. God was shifting things in her heart. I knew her decision to follow Jesus was authentic. Our relationship changed; everything changed. Only Jesus!
Looking back, I am so thankful that the Lord allowed me to see early on my need to be dependent upon Him. It was a gift that included many answered prayers.
I now have a daughter who owns her faith, is strong in the Lord, and has a heart for others who are far from Him. God is using her strong will for mighty things in His kingdom. The Lord knew she would need that will, which when surrendered to Him, is mighty in His hands. Today, we are friends and many times she now speaks truth to my heart that I need to hear.
After Rachel, we had three boys. I praise the Lord they are following Jesus. Josh, 25, training to be an Airforce pilot with a heart for military ministry. Caleb, 22, an amazing daddy and a worship leader with his wife Faith. Jonathan, 18, working in our family business with a heart for missions, preparing to head to Hungary and the Ukraine soon.
This is the Lord’s faithfulness. We’ve made plenty of mistakes. One mistake I didn’t make was praying for them with other moms.
As our Moms in Prayer group continued to pray for our school weekly, God grew in us a heart to reach the students. We started a Good News Club in the elementary school where we witnessed over 50 students come to hear the gospel weekly and were trained and encouraged in their faith.
This ministry expanded to the middle and high school as the students were hungry for God. We found a contact through Campus Life. Over 100 attended weekly at the middle school.
At the high school, it seemed the best ministry happened when we gave the students tools and equipped them to own and lead an I am Second group. We asked if they wanted to start the group with games or worship and they decided on worship. My Moms in Prayer friend had a high school daughter who sang and my son played piano. They began to lead worship in the auditorium each week during study hall. They married two years ago and gave birth to our first grandchild.
Though my children are grown, I can’t stop praying. The Lord prompted me to start a new Moms in Prayer group since I had some friends with prodigal children. I knew what that felt like and how much I valued praying with other moms. It has been five years and we are still waiting on some to come home, but we are trusting God as we pray according to His will by praying Scripture over them.
So much has happened when, as moms, we simply responded to an invitation to meet with God. All praises to Him! He’s been so good and I want other moms to know and experience the blessing of meeting and praying together.
Pray with me
Lord Jesus, Thank you for being our steadfast Living Hope, a sure foundation, a resting place, who sees and loves our children. Forgive us when we look to circumstances or people for our hope and for trying to fix and control things in our own strength. Help us to let go and leave it at your throne room… simply walking in trust and obedience in the power of your Spirit. Thank You for meeting us where we are and that we are free to give thanks in all things because You are good, worthy of our trust, and use all things for purposes we do not always see or understand.
Lord, I pray specifically for the weary mom, whose heart aches for her child whose heart is far from You. Comfort her today and help her to find others to link shields with in this battle for our children‘s souls. We bring this child to You, asking for your divine intervention and for you to cover them with your blood. Thwart any plans of the enemy to kill, steal, or destroy. May this child encounter You, the Living Water who satisfies and expose the empty cisterns. Bring godly sorrow that leads to repentance and life for Your Name’s sake. In the name of Jesus, Amen!
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Lori in Israel overlooking Armageddon. On a cold & rainy day, a rainbow broke out over the valley: A reminder that Jesus is Lord, even when things seem dreary.
Lori Vaughan lives in Indianapolis, Indiana with her husband, Dave, of 29 years where they own and operate a campground. Lori and Dave have four children: Rachel, Josh, Caleb, and Jonathan. She also has two lovely daughter-in-laws, one granddaughter, and another grandchild on the way. Lori likes to spend time with her family, garden, learn about homesteading, cook healthy meals, care for farm animals, read, and of course, pray with friends.