Seeing into the Future of Your Prayers

When I was asked to write about leading a Moms in Prayer group while still BEING prayed for by my mom, since she leads her own Moms in Prayer group, I paused. How amazing. God is at work!

My sweet mom had a problem child. That child was me. She would respond here and say “I wouldn’t say that; Anna just kept us on our toes,” or loosely translated, “on our knees in prayer.”

Anna when she was younger, and her siblings



As I made wrong choices and failed time after time, I had a praying mom. I had a mom who cared enough to pray to an almighty and sovereign God who sees and hears our prayers.

Looking back, I’m tempted to wonder if she ever wanted to give up?


Why pray over this sassy back-talking child over and over? The answer to that question is faith and motherhood.

She has faith in a God of grace, healing and redemption that invites all His children into a personal relationship with Him. Prayer is a beautiful gift God gives us. Even if that prayer is, “Lord, help me find my spanking spoon and sanity.”

Anna and her mom Teresa

I had a rebellious streak and a praying mom. Her faith outlasted my bucking against authority. And I noticed.

As I grew up and attended college, I slowly made better choices and often found my fingers dialing up mom, “Hey mom, I have a huge test today. Will you get the moms to pray?” Our relationship soared during this time. My faith grew in a personal, unforced way. I’m so thankful that my mother’s prayers were unceasing. I’m so thankful to know our Lord and Savior like she does.

The trickle-down effect is a real thing. Today I find myself on my knees in prayer for my two children. Not only that, I’m leading a Moms in Prayer group at my children’s Christian school. I’m finding that faith and motherhood is a fierce combination.

My mother has lived this example for me. I’m praying and my kids notice. I’m also praying it doesn’t take them as long to notice as it took me.

Anna’s daughter Avery helping with the Moms in Prayer welcome sign

Moms in Prayer has been a blessing in my life since childhood when I was prayed over by my mom and her Moms in Prayer group. Now, this blessing continues as I join precious prayer warriors in praying for our children. God is good!

Anna Goad grew up trying to talk her parents out of spankings and mostly blaming her behavior on the closest sibling. In Maumelle, Arkansas, she attended church with her parents, older brother, and younger sister. Having a deep love for children, Anna grew up knowing she wanted to be a mom. She married her college sweetheart, Michael Goad, and after his second deployment to Iraq they started a family. Avery (9) and Nathan (7) are keeping them busy in Little Rock, Arkansas. She recently started leading a Moms in Prayer group at her kid’s school. She enjoys spaghetti dinners at Mom’s house, substitute teaching, book club, Bible study and the sweet, sweet grace of our sovereign Lord.