Sweet Enduring Peace

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God,which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)

They’re all grown now, far away. And how did that happen? You know, it was only yesterday. Now they are mama’s and daddy’s of their own.

As I listen, as I watch, I recall. I recall the worries, the fear. Am I wiser now?  Braver? Perhaps. Likely, I am etched with worry, wear and age. But more beautifully I am filled up with faith.

The faith that came as worry led to prayer, to prayer that steadied me and grew me, taught me to trust and gave me peace.

The worry begot the prayer that brought a sweet enduring peace. A peace that now calls my own children to trust the One who calmed the storm tossed seas,the One who knows their worries, the One who is faithful, able and wise. The One who hears and answers.

Without a word, as I listen, they see the lines the years have drawn upon my face, but deeper than those lines, they see peace. That fought for peace, fought on knees through their childhood sickness, school yard woes and high school drama.

May these grown up children of mine not miss it now. May they not let worries become burdens, weighing heavy, stealing joy, robbing peace. No. They shall not miss this gift of peace!

They who are covered in prayer and entrusted to the God who hears, will be led in triumphant procession. My babies, now grown, will have their share of worry. They will bring those worries in prayer to the God of all Peace. They will be led to deep prayer for their babies. They will know the God of all peace. They will fight hard in prayer over the things that frighten a mama and a daddy in the night and in the day, the old, new threats thrown at our children as in a war.

My children will grow wise and brave through the worries that must turn them to God in prayer. They will grow in beautiful faith as they entrust to the loving and perfect Father, the children that He has given them for this short season, before they too go forward to be brave, to be mamas and daddys led to be faithful in prayer.

Powerful and peace giving prayer. Prayer that leads to the God of all Peace. God who leads generations through prayer to His Throne of Grace, to that place, to the God who brings peace.

Laurie Gaspar’s prayer is that God will help her to encourage moms to pray for their children and not give up. Laurie has been married for 34 years, has 3 married children and is Grandma to six sweet babies. Currently, she enjoys the fine art of re-purposing furniture.