Praying for my grandchildren

The Power of a Praying Grandma

We had just transferred our second-grade daughter from a private Christian school to the public elementary school in our neighborhood. I remember being so concerned about what she might encounter at her new school.

As I took Lindsay to her classroom, I ran into a friend who told me about a group of moms who met on a weekly basis to pray for their children, the teachers and the school. I jumped at the chance to link arms with them through prayer. Little did I know that God was leading me on a prayer journey that continues to this day.

I learned that these women were part of Moms in Prayer International, a ministry that impacts children and schools worldwide for Christ by gathering women to pray. I saw many answers to prayer for our daughter, especially with the teachers she had each year. They were just the right fit for what Lindsay needed at the time.

Well, our daughter has now been married for almost 15 years. My husband and I have a 13-year-old grandson and 9 and 7-year-old granddaughters. I have the privilege of praying for them in a Grandmas in Prayer group each week.

No matter where we live, our hearts are the same for our children and grandchildren.

During our time together, we follow the four steps of prayer:
  1. Praise – As we praise the Lord for a specific attribute, our focus is lifted off of our circumstances and on to Him.
  2. Silent Confession – The opportunity to make sure our hearts are right before God.
  3. Thanksgiving – We thank God for answered prayer, rejoicing together at what God is doing in our grandchildren’s lives.
  4. Intercession – Lastly, we pray a specific scripture and a request for our grandchildren and for their schools.

My Moms in Prayer group has been a lifeline while navigating through many different types of situations with my grandkids.

It has been one of my places of intentional Christian Grandparenting; learning how to pray more effectively and intentionally for my grandchildren and growing in my example to them of faith and trust in God.

Praying God’s Word for Your Grandchild:

We frequently pray for our grandchild’s salvation. It might be a scripture prayer such as,  “Lord, I pray ____ (name) will declare with his/her mouth ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in his/her heart that You raised Jesus from the dead, so ____ (name) will be saved.” From Romans 10:9

This was answered in a very specific way when our daughter, son-in-law, and three grandkids prepared to move from San Diego to Idaho over a year ago. It was difficult to see them go, but God revealed a big answer to prayer for our grandson at the family going away party.

My sister brought three white t-shirts to the party and asked each of our grandkids to draw a picture or write something on the shirt. Then each family member would add a personal note. My grandson, who was 11 at the time, didn’t want anyone to look at what he was doing until it was all done. He finally called us all over to see what he had been working on.

Grandson writes a declaration to God on his t-shirt

My grandson had drawn a cross with this declaration underneath:  I shall trust, believe, serve, and fight for the Lord because He saved me from sin, darkness and evil. I believe!

My heart overflowed with thanksgiving to see how God had answered prayer!

More Answers to Prayer

When we pray together, we discover how God answers prayer for other women in our group as well. One woman I pray with has a granddaughter who was born with severe brain damage and diagnosed with cerebral palsy. The family was told she would be blind, deaf, unable to eat other than through a tube, and unable to stand or walk. Through diligent and united prayer, she has overcome all these obstacles. She is one of the most popular kids at her school, loved by all who know her, and loves to raise her hands in worship when the family attends church.

Another woman in our group is seeing answers to prayer for her 12-year old granddaughter. She has a very tender heart toward God, loves to talk and sing about Jesus, and truly exhibits the fruit of the spirit in her young life. She and her Nana have recently been corresponding through email and she has even started to ask how she can be praying for her Nana!

I’m so thankful for this Grandmas in Prayer group. It truly is a life-changing ministry for us as grandmas, for our grandkids, and the schools they attend. God works powerfully when we join with other women in prayer for the lives of our grandchildren!

Legacy Grandparenting Summit 2023 – two inspiring days to help you become a more intentional Christian grandparent

Robin Clark Praying Grandmother Moms in Prayer International

Robin Clark is the Senior Events Coordinator at Moms in Prayer International headquarters. She has been involved in a Moms in Prayer group since her daughter and son were in elementary school. Both are now married with four children between the two of them. Robin prays on a weekly basis in a Grandmas in Prayer group and loves sharing the ministry with others. Some of her favorite things include reading, Jazzercise, walks on the beach with her husband of 42 years, and spending time with family and friends.