The Prayer Coin

Have you ever said to yourself, “I want to want what God wants, but I really want what I want.” Yea-us too. Today’s guest, Elisa Morgan, and Lee talk about that moment in the Garden of Gethsemane when Jesus prayed a prayer of honesty and abandon. “Take this cup from me, but not my will but yours be done.” What could change if we prayed that same prayer over our lives?

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Jesus’ prayer in Gethsemane is found in:
Matthew 26:36-46
Mark 14:32-42
Luke 22:39-46

Take the prayer dare:


Elisa Morgan was named by Christianity Today as one of the top fifty women influencing today’s church and culture. She has authored over twenty-five books. Her newest release is The Prayer Coin: Daring to Pray with Honest Abandon . For twenty years, Elisa served as CEO of MOPS International and now is President Emerita. Today she speaks internationally and serves as a co-host of the syndicated radio program, Discover the Word, produced by Our Daily Bread Ministries. With her husband of thirty-nine years, Evan, she has two grown children and two grandchildren who live near her in Denver, Colorado.

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