Christ centered girls club

The State of Our Girls

It’s tough to be a girl today. Lee sits down with Cindy Bultema, Executive Director of GEMS Girls Clubs, to bring the needs of young girls to the forefront of our minds and prayers. Although Generation Z is considered to be the first post-Christian generation in the USA, there is nothing too difficult for God and nothing too large to be affected by our prayers. What our girls (and boys!) need most today is still Jesus and His Word. Listen for encouragement from Cindy’s own story and for resources GEMS has developed to address the issues of our world today.

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Girl loved by Jesus Christ Cindy BultemaLinks:

Connect with Cindy on her website
Check out GEMS Girls’ Club
Try the GEMS Refresh resources

Listen to another great conversation with Cindy on bullying, Episode 26.

Show Sponsor:

Operation Christmas Child

About our Guest:

GEMS Girls ClubsCindy Bultema has served in ministry for over twenty years as a speaker, author, church leader, and now as the Executive Director of GEMS Girls’ Clubs. She is passionate about reaching girls and women with the life-changing message of Jesus. Cindy lives in West Michigan with her husband and their four children. When she’s not running her full household, you can find Cindy walking her two dogs, meeting a friend for coffee, attending her son’s hockey games, or trying to figure out what’s for dinner.