The Value of Routine

Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving.  Colossians 4:2

Mom, as the kids are going back to school, a flood of emotions can run through your mind. For some, it is a wave of thankfulness that you have some free-time back. For others, there is sadness that the lazy-days-of-summer are coming to a close. No matter if you are a home school mom or your kids attend school away from your home – the one thing you have in common is that you get back to a routine.

The funny thing is at the end of a school year, you long for the freedom from:  making lunches, car-pooling, homework, and schedules.

But by the end of summer, you start to appreciate, and for that matter, crave a routine.

Routine is good. Routine establishes disciple. Routine brings stability. Routine increases productivity.

When my girls were school age, I was ready to jump back into our daily and weekly routines by the start of a new school year. One of the weekly commitments I enjoyed and longed for was meeting with other moms for our Moms in Prayer time.

Meeting with other like-minded moms and dedicated time with the Lord helps you stay focused on the importance of motherhood and builds a safe community for you to share your heart and hold each other accountable.

Yes, I am so thankful for those early years of my daughters’ lives because being a part of a prayer group helped establish a valuable factor in my life and was one I wanted to continue even after their school-years were done. I may not have small children anymore, but once a mom.—always a mom. Your prayer requests just look different. However, your routine doesn’t need to change.

Have you gotten into the routine of a daily meeting with Jesus in the secret place with Him?

Have you scheduled that first prayer time for the new school year?

You and I are not called just to leave something to our children, but to leave something in them. Your children are only entrusted to you for a short period of time and prayer isn’t the part of your daily routine you want to leave out. It should be the most important part of your routine.

A key component in my girls’ lives, which I was privileged to read in their college application essay was, the importance of a praying mom. Many mornings they would view me in my morning quiet time, which in turn provoked them to establish their own time with God. (Please know I am not perfect and I get it wrong some (most) days, but I always try to return to what’s important—prayer).

I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth.  3 John 4

I once heard, “Leave your children something money can’t buy.” Teach them to suffer well, show them how to work unto the Lord, manage their finances, make wise decisions, and live prayer-filled lives.

MOM, the legacy a woman leaves is the one she walks out every day.

P.S. – A good thing to establish . . . Keep a prayer book in your car console, so while waiting for your children at the bus pick-up line, a dentist appointment, or detention—you can be praying for them.

Jessie Seneca is a national speaker, leadership trainer, and the founder of More of Him Ministries. She is the author of books like: Raising Girls Diaper to Diamond and Friendship, Sisters for a Journey. Jessie lives in Pennsylvania with her husband, John. They have two daughters and a two wonderful sons-in-law who bring with them, her two grand-dogs: Harvey and Breck.