I understand that starting the school year can be exciting and at the same time, filled with fear and worry about what our kids and grandkids will face this year and the many ungodly influences at school.
When King David was discouraged, he recalled God’s faithfulness in the past:
I am losing all hope; I am paralyzed with fear. I remember the days of old. I ponder all your great works and think about what you have done. Psalm 143:4-5 NLT
To give us strength, let’s take a look at what God has been doing this year in students’ lives and on campuses through prayer.
Christian Clubs
Three years ago, a Student Venture club was started by a Moms in Prayer (MIP) mom’s daughter at a public high school in Southern California. The first year, club leaders were reliant on a pastor to run weekly meetings. Scheduling conflicts made it difficult, leaving them discouraged and with little presence on campus.
But they persevered and moms kept praying. The next year, connection with Decision Point campus ministry resulted in after-school witnessing events and a club outreach, bringing two students to Jesus, and presenting the gospel to around 50. By the third year, several students gave devotionals and shared testimonies and Christian teachers and pastors became involved. Attendance doubled.
Club members were now equipped to collect prayer requests from students during lunch, the gospel was being shared, and they prayed with different groups on campus. During club meetings, they spent time in deep prayer for their campus, nation, and each other. Many club members found great passion for evangelism, the souls on campus, and a bold faith, impacting over 200 students.
By preparing and praying for your kids now, you are building a generation that has a heart for God and for sharing the gospel with those around them.
Youth Conferences
After moms prayed for a state-wide youth conference in Alaska, Elizabeth, MIP mom and teacher, said, “We had over 850 teenagers at our church campus and 63 of them decided to follow Christ. We are rejoicing at their submission to Jesus!”
“I love how the ministries who reach out to students call Moms in Prayer ‘the air force.’ They understand that as we pray, hearts are prepared to receive Jesus. A local pastor reached out to us recently because he was planning an outreach in the San Diego area. We prayed as thousands of 6th-12th graders gathered to worship God and hear the gospel; 400 students gave their lives to Jesus!” —Sally Burke re: Miles McPherson organized event at SDSU.

MIP member’s grandson pictured lower right
College Revival
Earlier in 2024, thousands of students gathered on several campuses for Unite events. At the University of Tennessee campus, 8,000 students praised the name of Jesus. Hundreds of students made the life-changing decision to dedicate their lives to Him and more than 120 students were baptized. Tonya Prewett , founder of Unite US, said in an interview that “students shared incredible testimonies at the University of Georgia event,” noting that some “came in contemplating suicide and left full of joy and purpose,” while others who were “bound for years by addictions, experienced freedom and joy.” Nate Kearns, a student who was baptized said, “No matter how broken you think you are, Jesus Christ’s love is more powerful.”

Photo Courtesy Unite U.S.
At the Collegiate Day of Prayer (CDOP) this year, I met some amazing ministry leaders with their own testimonies of how God called them to salvation as students and into a journey with Him pouring into young people. I was astounded to hear of the heart that God developed in them for Him, for prayer, and for students’ wellbeing and salvation. Every U.S. college was adopted in prayer and at the event, I watched students and staff cry out to God together, for revival and spiritual awakening on their college campus and other campuses throughout the U.S. Prayers for preparation of the hearts of middle and high schoolers were also lifted up.
Young men and women gave testimonies about how God had healed them from believing that their value was performance-based, and from discontentment and prodigal life styles.
“When my husband and I watched the CDOP simulcast, we were mesmerized seeing college students lead in worship, prayer, and powerful testimonies. We left quite emotional, sensing that this next generation has many leaders who love Christ deeply and are rising up strong in the Lord. I felt humbled to realize that the many years our Moms in Prayer groups have prayed for revival and spiritual awakening in schools have been fruitful as God is answering the deepest prayers of our hearts.” —Lisa Freyschlag, MIP Colorado State Coordinator

Photo Courtesy Baylor University
Let’s start the school year victorious in prayer and look forward to what God will do in the hearts and minds of our children and grandchildren, and at their schools.
For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs. Zephaniah 3:17 NLT
Pray with me
Lord, may we remember that You are Victorious and that You have made us more than conquerors through Your love. As moms and grandmothers, we have great purpose this school year to seek You together and pray the Word for our children, grandchildren, and their schools. The things going on that we are concerned about, we bring to You, the only One who can soften hearts and silence the enemy. May we be faithful to gather and pray. In Jesus’ Name, amen.
How have you seen God’s faithfulness this year?
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Sue Iacoboni received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing from Colorado State University. She now lives in Southern California with her husband of 29 years who works in education. Their young adult daughter lives close and is using her degree in fashion design to further God’s Kingdom by helping women in need. Sue leads a college & career Moms in Prayer group, is a leader in the young adult ministry at her church, and disciples young women in the Word of God and prayer.