Learning to trust God with your child through prayer

Victorious in Trusting God With My Son

I was devastated!

I had no idea how to respond to the news given to me at a school conference meeting. There were approximately seven school administrators, including my son’s teacher. They told me that my son would never read above a first-grade level or hold down a job. He would never live on his own, and he would need our support for the rest of his life.

I knew that my son learned differently, but I had no idea it was this dire. I went home, shared the news with my husband, and cried out to God in prayer for three days. I am so grateful for the close relationship I developed with God during the previous year while my mom was dying from cancer. This seemed a bit soon after her death to be dealing with another blow. However, God had prepared me to trust Him with things I did not understand and assured me that my son Levi was His child and He had a plan for his life.

A good friend invited me to check out Moms in Prayer (MIP). I quickly joined the group knowing how badly I needed their prayers for my son. Along with those prayers came support, love, and friendships. Praying with other women is more than praying. You are developing eternal friendships and sharing God’s love with each other. It was exactly what I needed.

Praying with other women is more than praying. You are developing eternal friendships and sharing God’s love with each other. It was exactly what I needed.

It didn’t take long before I was able to find another mom and host my own MIP group for the school. I quickly adopted the scripture from James 1:5 for Levi, “Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives to all generously and without criticizing, and it will be given to him.”

We had Levi privately assessed for learning disabilities and began on a journey of seeking more resources to help him. God provided many resources throughout the years and with prayer, we could see God’s hand along the way with each new development. Levi learned how to work hard and developed a work ethic he wouldn’t have achieved otherwise. Ephesians 2:10 reminds us, For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

In High School, Levi was on the Varsity Golf Team for his 6A school and graduated in 2014 after achieving many of the goals set before him. Someone once said Levi was like an “old soul” after having a conversation with him. It thrilled me to see how God gave Levi wisdom. God has always provided for Levi and still does to this day.

God has always provided for Levi and still does to this day.

Levi is now a long-haul truck driver, married to a very sweet young lady, and has a beautiful 18-month-old daughter. He not only lives on his own, but lives on his own in a truck, driving across the country. He is the sole provider of their family and comes home as often as he can to be with his family. Talk about Victory! Our God, who is victorious in every way and is true to His promises. I’m so thankful for how God answered all those prayers for all those years!

The story continues.

One day while attending Bible Study Fellowship, I heard God whisper to me. It was not an audible whisper but one in my spirit. I felt the Lord impress upon me that there were moms in that sanctuary who would love to pray for their children with other like-minded moms if they only knew about Moms in Prayer.

God used His Word, the Holy Spirit, and other moms to lead me to where I am now with Moms in Prayer as an Area Coordinator. In this role, I get the opportunity to reach out to moms in my area and equip them to pray together for their children and schools.

These days, I’m on the other side of what was the most difficult time in my life as a mom. Looking back, I can see how God worked everything together for His good and His glory. My life has been much like a puzzle, using each piece to teach, shape, and develop me into the person God wants me to be and the same is true for my son. I believe the same is true for all of us.

My life has been much like a puzzle, using each piece to teach, shape, and develop me into the person God wants me to be and the same is true for my son.

If you are feeling discouraged or defeated, know that you serve a big God. When it seems you have hit a wall and there is no way out, God provides. Stay in His Word, find a Moms in Prayer group or start one, be intentional about your relationship with Jesus Christ. God is good. His Word says, He gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, beloved sisters, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:57-58


Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for the moms who are feeling discouraged, hopeless, or alone in a struggle for their child. May they know you are with them and beside them in every decision that needs to be made. Give them your wise direction and discernment. Provide them with all the resources necessary to help their child be successful. We pray, believing and knowing you have a perfect plan for all your children. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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Kim A. Thomas is an author, poet, disciple-maker, and prayer warrior. Her passion is to serve women and help them grow in their relationship with God. She realized her call to serve women when God revealed to her that women need a relationship with Jesus beyond traditional Sunday morning worship. Kim began her journey with Moms in Prayer in 2003 when she found herself desperately needing to pray for her son. Kim and her husband live in Denton, Texas. They have three wonderful children; two daughters and one son, all of whom are married. They immensely enjoy their three grandchildren. Kim is a co-leader of a College and Career MIP Group and enjoys her new journey as Area Coordinator for a portion of Denton County, Texas.

Comments 16

  1. Thank you for sharing your story! My daughter has struggled with learning differences and it can feel so lonely. I am blessed to hear about your journey and that you are testifying of God’s goodness to pour out wisdom when we humbly ask and believe.
    May the Lord richly bless you and your family and continue to grow your beautiful ministry in Denton and beyond.
    To Him be the Glory!

    1. Thank you so much for your comment and blessing. I pray for your journey with your daughter and encourage you with this scripture. “May the Lord bless you and protect you, make His face shine on you and your daughter and be gracious to you. May He look with favor on you and your daughter and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26.

  2. What a great story, Kim – thank you for sharing this encouragement with all of us! Thank you too for giving back as an AC. Your impact will allow so many more women to have the experience of support that carried you and your family through to victory. See you at the 40th?

    1. Thank you Rhonda. The blessings of Moms in Prayer goes beyond praying and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to serve God in this way. I won’t make it this year but will be praying as you all gather.

  3. Your testimony was of great encouragement to me! I am going through something similar with my son. He was delayed in walking (2 years old) and has some balance and tremor type things going on. We’ve done all of the testing they have to offer with no answers for his symptoms. It has been the hardest 2 or so years of my life, watching him fall often and struggle to keep up, praying over him, and trying my hardest to give him back to God who somehow loves him even more than I do. My verse for him has been Psalm 40:2, “He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure.” I have a solid church community that have been praying for me and for him too, but it’s also nice to see stories like Levi’s.

    1. Kathryn, you are absolutely right and keep leaning on the fact that God loves your son (even more than you) and has a plan for his life. Trusting God is a lifelong process and one I’m still learning. Even recently God provided for Levi when I couldn’t see a way. God is always working.
      Be confident of this, that he who began a good work in (your son) will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6

  4. You don’t have to settle for those words spoken over your kids. There is so much distraction and screaming in the classrooms I can see why. Kids can’t even think. I didn’t settle for it when the teacher said my daughter needed special Ed in a subject they retested her and took her out. We did pray about it too. And things worked out. I need to get into a group again. I started out in one this year but it was a ways away from my house. We do go to prayer group at church and pray for the kids & schools there also. Thanks.

  5. Thank you for sharing your story, Kim. So encouraging! It reads fast, but clearly it was many years of praying and trusting. We all need the reminder that God is with us for the long haul –and with your son on his long hauls! Such a very cool testimony of God’s faithfulness.

  6. Your story was so encouraging about your son, Levi! Thank you for sharing it with us in Moms in Prayer. God’s plans for our children far exceed many of man’s predictions. To God be the glory for Levi, his wife and new baby:)

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