Prayer during hardship

What if I Trusted God for THIS?

This life is not easy. We were told we would face trouble.

So why are we surprised when we feel the weight of the world on our shoulders, great heartache, regrets, and daily problems? Jesus himself said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

God allows problems. And when He allows it, we have a lesson coming. Case in point – someone shared with me upsetting news, both overwhelming and shocking. It was my new problem to face. I had to sit with that new information even though there was nothing I could do to change it. I’m sure you’ve been there. I tried problem-solving but I really had two choices – I could worry or I could pray.

So, as I feel asleep that night, I prayed for God to give me peace in the chaos and wisdom for the road ahead.

That night, I awoke at 3am with a full rush of adrenaline. My heart was racing and my mind replaying what I had been told. At 3am I could not fix it or even do one thing about it. And as I prayed to calm myself, I was given a phrase that I decided I better go write down. I walked to my office and in the dark wrote it out so I would not forget. These were the words, “What if I trusted you God for even this _____________.”

prayer during hardshipAs I pondered what I wrote, I asked myself, “What if I put my real need at the feet of Jesus and trusted Him for this too?” Even this? I’m honestly good at trusting Him for a lot, but what about this. He tells us to give it ALL to him. Every. single. thing.

Why is it so hard? Do we think our control or worry will accomplish something? In our humanness, we must think we can fix the things that we worry about. When in contrast, I am paralyzed by my worry and fear, unable to move or problem-solve.

The morning came and I didn’t know that I would need to hold tight to this powerful truth on my paper. I did not know that something even bigger than yesterday’s news would require me to fill in the blank on my paper so soon.

I’m sharing this because I KNOW that God is teaching all of us some of the same lessons. Many of my friends are walking through fires. They are facing problems that don’t have quick solutions. God is preparing His people. He’s teaching us to surrender more, to release our fears, our anxiety, our control into His capable hands.

I’m thinking that just about every person reading this will be able to apply it even today. Just drop that worry into the blank. Let’s watch God carry the burden as we ask for His daily wisdom and strength to endure.

How about you?
Answer the question:
What if I trusted You, God, for even this _____________?
Then pray:

LORD, help me to trust in You with all my heart and to not depend on my own understanding. To seek Your will in all I do and You will show me which path to take. From Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT

Comment on what you are trusting God for.

Julie Graybill, writer and Moms in Prayer Georgia team memberJulie Graybill is a wife, mom, prayer warrior, and writer with a passion for making God famous! She has been involved in Moms in Prayer since her kids were in elementary school and absolutely loves being a group leader for her daughter’s high school. She currently serves on the Moms in Prayer Georgia state team and as an area coordinator, encouraging current leaders and training new ones. Julie is the mother of two daughters and has been married for 22 years to her college sweetheart, Nathan. Please visit to connect with Julie and to read testimonies of God’s ability to bring good through ALL things.