how to pray for prodigal son

When Prayers Seem Unanswered

Sometimes we pray for years and don’t see the answers.

I’m so thankful that I’ve had other moms come alongside me to faithfully pray for my children (and their families). This has been a supportive group and has given me confidence in godly motherhood. Through Moms in Prayer, God has also equipped me to persevere in prayer and to teach others how to pray.

I have so many stories of God’s faithfulness and how He has worked in my children’s lives and in mother’s lives and for their children. These powerful answers, big or small, are faith-building in our journey of prayer.

Answers long-awaited

The scripture verse that I’ve always prayed for my boys is from Mark 12:30:

May Scott & Craig love the LORD their God with all their hearts, with all their souls, with all their minds, and with all their strength.

It has been a long journey, but God has answered prayers. Not always in the way I would have chosen, but He remains faithful to His word.

Answers came like a flood this year during our family beach vacation. On day one, our youngest son, Craig, shared that he invited Jesus to come into his heart at 12:30am! He had been struggling with the Lord for over a year, not knowing for certain if he was a believer.

The next day, our oldest son proposed to the love of his life, Marci, on the beach as both families watched. We didn’t know if Scott would ever commit to marriage again since he had experienced divorce. Our prayers were that he could love again, and that he would also love the Lord with all his heart.

When we got back home, our youngest son, Craig, was baptized. On that same Sunday, our oldest son, Scott, came forward to rededicate his life to God.

Scott, too, had been struggling with his commitment to Jesus. He realized that he had not truly loved the Lord with all his heart, soul, mind and strength.

That same Sunday, our precious Daughter in Love, Jennifer, was voted to be the Children’s Director at our church. She had a very successful career as an educator, but knew her true calling was to children’s ministry. How great is our God! He has been Faithful to answer the prayers of a mom.

Psalm 33:4 states, ”For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.”

Every action God takes is sure and steady. Every word He speaks is always good and true. Be encouraged!

Equipped to Teach Others to Pray

But God didn’t stop there. He expanded my prayer life to Moms in Prayer women in Africa through my role as International Leadership Developer. I am in awe everyday as I hear from moms in the most remote places. God is not bound by borders because He faithfully seeks out those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.

Six moms from the country of Senegal have started groups throughout east and west Africa. It began with one mom whose husband was posted in Cameroon, who then moved to Senegal. She shared Moms in Prayer with other moms that moved every few years. The outcome of this burdened mother’s heart is moms gathering to pray for their children and schools in six nations, and continues to flourish as these moms persevere in prayer and share with others.

Praying mother's group in Africa

Moms from Cote’de Ivoire were determined to form new groups in their country following the Moms in Prayer East & West Africa event. One young mom, a pastor’s wife, single handedly started 14 groups in multiple villages! She’s confident that the battle for the lives of our children is through prayer.

Lastly, God prompted a young mom from Sierra Leone, living in Burkina Faso, to see other young moms from her country pray for their children. As a result, she started a WhatsApp group and is mentoring them as they consider starting their own Moms in Prayer group in Sierra Leone.

You see, God is faithful in this journey of prayer all over the world! Even when our prayers seem unanswered, we support one another by gathering and praying His word for this generation of children and for their schools. And we rejoice in all He has done in us, our children, and what He will do for future generations as we persevere in prayer!

Moms in Prayer

Barbara Kemp has been married to Lloyd for 44 years. She’s blessed to be called Mom by two sons and is affectionately “Noni” to her grandchildren. After 29 years, Barbara is still praying for her grown children and grandchildren. She’s had the privilege of serving as Roster Manager, Area Coordinator, Regional Coordinator, State Coordinator, Division Coordinator, and International Leadership Developer for Moms in Prayer. In 2008, she took a mission trip to Kenya. Upon her return to Kentucky, Barbara’s heart was never the same. She sensed God calling her to serve the women of Africa through Moms in Prayer International. For 13 years, Barbara has seen God do more than she could ask or imagine in Africa and beyond.