“Circumstances might not look the way we want them to, but He’s faithful. So, our role is to persevere in prayer and trust the Master Planner. God’s purpose will prevail.” How comforting! God’s foreknowledge as the Master Planner brings us …
How to Overflow with Hope
“Gideon’s eyes were taken off his circumstance, off his enemy, and put on God. Then, he was able to move forward with hope.” And we can do the same! Our Pacific Division Coordinator, Jennifer Hanson, brings peace to our worried, …
A Mom’s Gratitude Journal
escrito en ingles y español Very often our culture mentions the word gratitude. There is a fashion and a trend to practice gratitude through meditation and breathing techniques. However, the Word of God has thousands of years teaching the true …
God is Your Shepherd, You Lack Nothing
“Our Good Shepherd knows what we need more than we do and provides what we need at just the right time.” Today Aubrie sits down with our Appalachian Division Coordinator, Heidi Fromke, to look at another attribute of God and …
How to Have Godly Confidence
“Confidence is not so much that God makes ME strong, but that I become strong IN God, WITH God, and BECAUSE of God.” Lisa Freyschlag, Moms in Prayer Colorado State Coordinator, shares with us how different her life used to …
Surrendering My Child’s Future to God
God is the Master Planner. When you truly give Him the reins, don’t be surprised when He moves you out of a comfortable place because He has a better plan. My husband and I prepared our speeches. We’d prayed for …
When God Builds, It’s a Masterpiece
“I can’t do this, but it is the assurance that God is the Builder. Because if I could do anything in my strength, it’s worthless. So, it’s good that I can’t do it, but God can.” Our wonderful Moms in …
God is our Comforter & Provider in Every Season
“I held his hand, praying, as he passed from this life to heaven. And I knew that I would need to depend on my faith and everything I had learned about the character of God to carry on.” Today we …
How God is Answering Prayer for Students & Schools
Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable—if there is any moral excellence and if there is anything praiseworthy—dwell on these things. Philippians 4:8 CSB Naples, …
God is Faithful to Answer Your Prayers
“God is faithful no matter what because that’s His character. When I’m faithless or my faith wavers, God is, and always will, remain faithful.” Today we begin a new podcast series called “How Great is Our God,” focusing on the …