Kansas State Coordinator, Becky Anders

Welcome to Moms in Prayer in Kansas! Being a mom is both a great joy and responsibility, and a daily journey of learning to trust God with every aspect of my life. Moms in Prayer is a community where women gather to lift up the joys and struggles of their children to the One who sees and cares about every detail of our lives.

Jesus invites us, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29

At Moms in Prayer, we spend time with our gentle Savior and find rest for our souls as we give our burdens for our children to Him. It is my dream to see every school in Kansas covered in prayer and I’m excited to invite you to be a part of that story. Imagine the impact that prayer will have on our children, schools, families, churches, and communities when moms gather together to faithfully lift up their children in prayer!

You can reach me at: KS@MomsInPrayer.org

My Moms in Prayer Story

In 2022, I was handed a Moms in Prayer brochure at a True Girl conference. At first, I just kept it as something neat to share with someone else so they could start a group for my kids’ school. But the more I looked into what Moms in Prayer was all about (and saw all the wonderful group resources), I knew I wanted to be the one to start a group!

Moms in Prayer is an amazing place where I’ve seen God work, I’ve become more comfortable, confident, and consistent in prayer, and grown closer to God and other Christian moms at our school. Moms in Prayer has made spending time in prayer simple with the prayer sheets that guide our meetings each week. And, it has given me a community of the most wonderful women who love Jesus and lift up each other with encouragement and prayer. I feel strongly that praying with my Moms in Prayer group is one of the most important things I can do for my family and for my kids’ school.

I have been married to Danny since 2010 and we live in a small town just outside of Wichita. We have four wonderful children – three sons and one daughter.