Pennsylvania State Coordinator, Diane Ippolito

I began my adventure with Moms in Prayer in the fall of 1993, when I met Lynn. We shared concerns for our first-grade sons, both gentle boys who loved Jesus. Lynn had heard Fern Nichols on Focus on the Family talking about the importance of intentional, scriptural prayer for our children and their schools. She invited me to pray with her. I made that commitment and I was hooked. I prayed in or started a group as we moved throughout the U.S. and abroad during my husband’s military service.

We have been blessed to settle in Pennsylvania and I have loved getting to know and pray with the many godly prayer warriors here. As my children are flung across the country, I love the trust that I have, that they are held firmly in the hands of the One who created the universe. My peace is increased each time I lift them in prayer with my sweet Moms in Prayer sisters.

Steve and I have been married for 33 years and 7 moves. Our three children are grown and out seeking their own adventures. The sweet little first-grade boy is now a married missionary. Our daughter works for a major network, and our youngest son is an Army Officer. We have a Therapy Dog named Hope who brings delight to the children in our local hospital with her regular visits. I love to bake and cook and teach others to do the same.

I join the Proverbs 31 woman, “She is not afraid of snow for her household, for all her household are clothed in scarlet” Proverbs 31:21 (ESV) and also regularly look to this verse, “for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control” from 2 Timothy 1:7.

Experience another mom praying for your child and the joy of seeing God at work in your child’s school.

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