New York State Coordinator, Julie Koontz

Hello, praying moms of New York state! I’m so excited to see what God will do in our diverse state as more women join together to pray for their children and schools. It can feel isolating carrying a burden for your child alone, whether your nearest neighbor is across the mountains or in the next door apartment. Through Moms in Prayer, we grow to trust in God and carry those burdens to Him together.

“Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us.” Psalm 62:8

Whether this is your first time learning about Moms in Prayer or you have been in a group for years, I hope to help you connect with the network of women praying around our state and beyond. May you be encouraged and equipped as you learn to pray God’s Word with others and set aside that powerful hour of prayer.

You can reach me at:

My Moms in Prayer Story

I first heard about Moms in Prayer when my mom started praying in a group when I was in junior high school. Later, as a new mom with a toddler, my mom invited me to join her one morning for her Moms in Prayer time. I was blown away, realizing that many of these same women had been praying for me and my siblings for years through many seasons of life. I wanted to give that gift to my children as well.

When my daughter was changing schools in 1st grade, I asked two other moms if they would pray with me for the school. They said yes! Since then, it has been such an encouragement to pray regularly with other moms for our children and their schools. I feel like I’ve come to know God deeper through the verses we read, focusing on attributes of God, and I’m continually encouraged hearing the prayers of other women in my group. It is especially exciting to thank God for things only He could do as we see answers to prayer!

My husband and I have three daughters and live in New York City.