Louisiana State Coordinator, Michelle Hebert

The way to love our children and change the culture is to battle in prayer. We all have excuses as to why we don’t have time to pray, but look around Louisiana Moms – NOW is the time! My prayer for Louisiana is that moms would heed God’s call and every child and school would be covered in prayer, including homeschools.

By submitting to God, resisting the devil, and standing on His promises, the enemy will flee! (James 4:7). As a result, we will grow in the knowledge and grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who equips us through faith and prayer to battle spiritually from victory!

Experience another mom praying for your child and the joy of seeing God at work in your child’s school.

You can reach me at: LA@MomsInPrayer.org

My Moms in Prayer Story

As a new homeschool mom I had so many fears and was intimidated when a dear friend invited me to attend a Moms in Prayer group. This moment forever changed my life and walk with Jesus. In praying the scriptures over my children with another mom, I learned the power of His word and that true freedom is in giving our cares to Him. He wants to do amazing things in our kids’ lives and in OUR lives!

Moms in Prayer is a beautiful sisterhood, meeting weekly in small groups to pray scripturally for our children and schools. Even if you’re not ready to pray aloud, we want to come alongside you. You will go deeper in your prayer life and come closer to our Heavenly Father through time with Him.

I’m so thankful for my loving husband since 1992 and two amazing daughters, one in her second year of college and a high schooler. Through our cross country moves, medical worries, and unbelievable blessings, God is faithful!

Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28