Alabama State Coordinator, Teresa Smith

Greetings from the Yellowhammer State! Alabama has 41 official emblems, but it’s the Alabama State Bible that is the oldest symbol. It is with the authority of God’s Holy Scripture that I look forward in joining you, side by side, to pray over our children and schools. I love how Moms in Prayer challenges us to spend time with the Lord in His Word and prayer, intentionally taking time to listen to His direction. It is a calling to intercede on behalf of our children and to pray to have every school in Alabama covered in prayer. I know you will be blessed and grow in your faith as you participate in a Moms in Prayer group. Join us in prayer as we stand in the gap for all our children and schools.

“Because He bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath.” Psalm 116:2 NLT

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My Moms in Prayer Story

My youngest child was in the 11th grade when a band mom asked me to attend a Moms in Prayer group with her. Although prayer was a part of my life, I was uncomfortable praying aloud. This mom shared it was ok to say one to three sentences at a time and to say nothing until I was ready. I thought, “This, I could do.”

After my first meeting, I learned Moms in Prayer used Scripture to pray over our children and schools. It was the best hour I could possibly spend for my children. There was a peace that filled my heart after praying with other like-minded moms. I was able to go about the rest of my day, knowing my children were placed at the feet of Jesus.

My faith grew deeper as we prayed scriptures each week based on the names and different attributes of God and followed the Four Steps of Prayer. And, what an added blessing to have other moms come alongside of you to not only love and pray for their children and schools, but yours too.

We moved to Northern Alabama when my husband retired from the military in 2004. We have two adult children and a son-in-love. As a family, we love to play board games and to travel the beautiful landscape of Alabama and its border states. I enjoy gardening, cooking and traveling to quiet areas. The Lord’s prayer is my first love and favorite passage. I memorized it as a young child, not understanding then He was teaching me to pray. Our Father, who art in Heaven, how Holy is Your Name…. from Matthew 6:9-13.