Give to nonprofit Christian women's prayer ministry

Why Should I Give to Moms in Prayer?

We’re praying against a hostile culture I never thought I would see in my lifetime.

When I tell people about the Moms in Prayer ministry, some look at me surprisingly, “You pray for an hour?” “Well, not me only, but the group does,” I tell them. Others quickly move to a safer topic.

But when I tell them stories of what God has done through the ministry, they listen.

One year, our local high school had a serious drug problem. Several kids were caught smoking marijuana at a conference in downtown Nashville, minutes from the school. That week, our Moms in Prayer group prayed that God would rid the school of drugs. Later that day, one of the moms drove by the high school and police cars surrounded the building.

The police searched cars, lockers, and students, discovering more drugs. God answered our prayer that same day.

Her first year of college, my oldest daughter was diagnosed with depression. Her counselor recommended medication, but there were no doctors near campus that would take a new patient. The Thursday after her diagnosis, I drove twelve hours (several round trips) to get her immediate medical attention. The following Monday, I returned to the campus to celebrate her birthday. Torrential downpours hampered my drive home.

Tuesday morning, exhausted, I sat among my Moms in Prayer group. In faith, I worshiped God, our Shepherd. I read the Bible verse on our prayer sheet, “He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them in the fold of his garment” Isaiah 40:11. I wept.

God knew this weary mom needed that verse.

My youngest was in her Master’s program when a group email popped into her inbox providing answers to a quiz. My daughter didn’t want to participate in their dishonesty. Instead of caving with the crowd, she informed her professor, who thanked her and agreed to not expose her. The next time the class met, the teacher told the students she was privy to their cheating and assigned them a book to read on ethics and a ten-page paper to write on their findings. (She also dropped all quiz grades.) Privately, the professor excused my daughter from this assignment.

I thought of all the prayers offered on my daughter’s behalf to live a life of integrity.

Our group is now mostly moms praying for our adult children. Through the years, we’ve wept, laughed, eaten, and of course, prayed together. You would think our adult children don’t need our prayers as much, but the concerns and trials have grown complex and weighty.

We can be vulnerable with each other because what we pray in the group, stays in the group.

Why do I give to Moms in Prayer?

Because the ministry has blessed me, my children, others’ children, our families, our schools, and more.

I’ve witnessed children in our group:

  • work in the Capitol in Washington, DC
  • teach in the public schools
  • write, sing, and lead music for God’s glory
  • produce videos highlighting ministries and the gospel
  • care for the sick and hurting during the pandemic
  • and pray as young moms for their own children.

What a glorious day it will be when we see all the rewards of our prayers given on behalf of children and schools!

Will you also give financially to the ministry of Moms in Prayer?

God wants to take our offerings and multiply them forty, sixty, and even one hundred times. Can you imagine the work God can and will do when we give through our prayers and our finances?

Give to Moms in Prayer and make an impact worldwide for children and schools!

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Sally Cressman, Moms in Prayer group leaderSally Cressman has served in the Moms in Prayer ministry as an area coordinator, group leader, and now group member for over twenty years. Her publishing credits include LifeWay Kids Ministry, Focus on the Family, and Guideposts. She and her husband enjoy the easy rhythm of the empty-nest life near Nashville, Tennessee. Her heart overflows with joy these days as her son recently married, and her oldest daughter is engaged. She spends her free time blogging at and taking long walks with her husband or friends.

PRAY with Moms in Your Community for Your Children