why prayer for children is important

Will You Fight for Me in Prayer?

Life had become a weight that was bearing down on me. I was despondent and confused. My roommate had gone to work and I was agonizing on what I could do to end this pain. Not realizing it at the time, I now know that my bad choices had brought me to this empty place. And then without my asking Him to, He came.

Jesus, my rescuer, showed up at the scene of my brokenness and in an instant, changed the course of my life. He broke me free from the prison I had created and that day, February 5, 1985, I became a new creation. Everything was different. I began to view life through the eyes of faith. I had hope, joy, and peace I had never known. I was transformed.

Why did Jesus seek me out that cold, winter day? I believe it was His answer to the prayers of my mother, grandmother, aunt, and others who fought for me in prayer for many years.

Fast forward to years later when I became a mom in my thirties and the call of prayer was put on my life. On the way to visit my grandparents, a Focus on the Family radio program came on with Fern Nichols, founder of Moms in Prayer, explaining the ministry to Dr. James Dobson. The Holy Spirit stirred in me in a way I will never forget and I knew I had to be a part of this.

Within a short time, I became a Moms in Prayer group leader for a school where I led for many years, praying with other moms one hour a week for the children and teachers. Later, when my children graduated, I transitioned to my home where I continue to this day, leading a group of dedicated and faithful moms. Together, we continue to see God’s goodness expressed in the many answered prayers we witness in the lives of our children, most now grown and with children of their own.

One of my greatest joys now is to sow into this ministry of praying moms through monthly giving. I have read testimony after testimony of how Moms in Prayer International is making an impact around the world. For me, it has been such an honor to help provide resources so groups can get started.

I get my reward every time I see smiling moms gathered in prayer groups around the world, knowing that without financial help, this wouldn’t be possible.

Many of these moms cannot even afford the bus fare to go outside of their villages to attend weekly prayer meetings.

Would you like to come alongside us, who have this passion for prayer for our children and schools, and help ignite our world by donating a one-time gift or recurring monthly donation to Moms in Prayer International?

more children and schools prayed for

Your gift will bear eternal dividends and you can be a part of transforming lives through the power of prayer.

I will never forget that day when God turned my life around. I could hardly wait to call my mother and share what God had done in response to her many prayers for me. I could hear the relief when I told her that the prodigal had finally come home.

Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, “I am the Light of the world; the one who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.” John 8:12 NASB

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Sandi Martin Gives to Moms in PrayerSandi Martin lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains along with her husband, Jerry, and children. One of Sandi’s favorite things in life is the time she spends praying with and leading a Moms in Prayer college group in Lynchburg, Virginia. She also enjoys serving on the Moms in Prayer International Ministry Development Team and is a former Virginia State Coordinator.

PRAY with Moms in Your Community for Your Children