Time to start leaning desperately into Jesus for the strength, community, and hope you need in motherhood

With God’s Help I Can Be a Victorious Mom

Super Mom

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” takes on a different meaning when you enter motherhood. Simple things like washing dishes and sleeping through the night suddenly become virtually impossible to endure without constantly crying out to the LORD in prayer. It often feels like there are more losses than wins and more failures than victories. You see “super” moms drinking 100 oz. of water, all their kids smiling, wearing matching outfits, enjoying vacation with a toddler, and think, “Wow, what am I doing wrong? Why can’t I be more like her?”

Lonely But Never Alone

It’s easy to sit in the everyday struggles of motherhood feeling lonely and disconnected. But the truth is we are never alone. Of course, I mean spiritually. God promises to “never leave us or forsake us.”

The Lord is the One who will go before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Deuteronomy 31:8

In Isaiah 41:10, God also strengthens and upholds us with His “righteous right hand.” As mothers, we don’t need to be physically and emotionally alone either. There is always another person who has experienced circumstances like our own. God gave us each other for that very reason!

He knows the enemy’s goal is to isolate us and make us believe the lie that we are alone, we can’t rely on others, and there is no hope for us. But God encourages community in His word.

Thriving, Not Just Surviving

I tried to do motherhood in my own strength for too long. By the time my third child was born, I knew something had to give. I was angry and stressed; often feeling like a failure as I compared myself to others and all that I “should” be doing as a mom. As a believer of 20+ years, I should’ve leaned in to Jesus sooner.

So as I settled into life with three kids at home, I made a decision to spend time in the Word every day. I found myself not only craving God’s word more, but also feeling joy and peace in my everyday tasks. Life wasn’t perfect all the time, but it felt more doable. Thriving, not just surviving in motherhood, seemed possible. I was filling myself up with God’s truth and His strength was getting me through the day!

Community & Purpose

As I grew, I realized I was still missing a community to share in my struggles and victories. Then the Lord laid it on my heart to start a Moms in Prayer group. Oh the testimonies I could share! There were hurdles in getting us all there, but wow, the community achieved there by praying together for each other’s children was unlike anything I had ever experienced.

There was not a week God didn’t move and allow us to see Him working! Children accepted Christ, relationships and physical ailments were healed, behavior issues improved, and so much more.

In short, God was glorified and the moms involved were left feeling closer to Him and each other.

I say all this to encourage you to step out in obedience and watch God use it. The call won’t always be comfortable or easy, but God will always honor it. Perhaps you attend a prayer group. Maybe you listen to the Bible while you fold laundry or play worship music on your way to drop the kids off at daycare or school. Whatever it may be, God is calling on you as a mother to step out in faith and obedience, in His strength, knowing He will use it for your good and His glory.

Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

Wanna be a “super mom?” Rely on the Holy Spirit to strengthen and empower you.

Fighting loneliness and missing community? Find a group of believers who are following Jesus and join them.

Time to start leaning desperately into Jesus for the strength, community, and the hope you need to survive and thrive in motherhood! He has a plan and you have a God-given purpose!

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Stay at home mom relies on Holy Spirit to give her strength.Ami Smith is a former teacher turned stay at mom, pastor’s wife, and lover of coffee and Jesus! Her favorite verse as she has gone through life is Joshua 1:9, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not be terrified. Do not be discouraged. For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go!” Ami accepted Jesus as her Lord when she was 6 years old, but was timid and shy in her faith and it stayed shallow for many years. As she stepped into the role of pastor’s wife and mama to her 3 littles, she learned to lean on Jesus to survive the day to day and her faith grew leaps and bounds! Along with this came boldness and confidence to share the Gospel and love of Jesus. Beginning and leading a Moms in Prayer group in her community last year was another way God used and grew Ami. Each time she has stepped out in faith to obey, she sees God show up and work and move.